"AND" is always implied by default, so you don't need the square brackets here. "A OR B" need to be wrapped in parenthesis, like so: (A OR B)
[Media Type]=[Audio] [Composer]="Schubert" ([Work_Type]="Solo Piano" OR [Work_Type]="Piano Duet")
Copy the code, press the "import/export" button on the edit smartlist dialogue, delete what's there, paste, and ok your way out. Better now?
Thank you so much, Marko, I got it to work.
Interestingly, after I pasted the code, everything was fine with the list but the editing window had an empty line, no big deal. Then, I wanted to add the modifier,
Remove duplicates of [Composition], and that resulted in only the
Piano Duets showing up in the list. Then I modified the empty row to
[Work_Type] contains Solo Piano and the list appeared perfectly.
Just for my education, I think I understand how to build the code for
Rules. How do I add
Modifications to the Results in code form?
Again, many, many thanks, I really appreciate your help!
One more thing: Even though I now have all the tracks that I expect in the SmartList, there is one additional outlier (see attachment), specifically, a track that does not fulfill the Rules, i.e. is not by Schubert (but by Prokofiev) and I have emptied the Work_Type field (which was indeed Solo Piano).
The Smartlist is defined by
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Composer]="Prokofiev" [Composer]="Schubert" ([Work_Type]="Solo Piano" or [Work_Type]="Piano Duet") ~nodup=[Composition]
Any idea why that is? I am baffled.