Hey! I finally picked up JRiver for Android yesterday (long time MC user). For background I guess you could say the stars finally aligned that I'm able, and have a good enough reason to stream music from home to my phone while I'm away from home. Since I already have MC running in a docker on my unRAID server JRiver for Android seemed the obvious choice.
So for the setup, I've got Wireguard on my server and phone so my phone can connect without having to open a bunch of stuff to the internet, and that part's working great. It took a while to sync the library, initially but after that it's been pretty quick.
So on to the problem. What I was seeing was things would work for a while, and then after something happened, it would no longer play anything, and would require a force stop of the app and restart. I think I've narrowed it down to this: On initial startup playback works fine. Then after the Bluetooth connection is lost (car shut off, headphones off/disconnected) playback won't work until I force stop the app and restart it.
Is there anything I should check? Phone is a Pixel 7 Pro with Android 14.