I am requesting a feature to add the option "Expand <viewname>" when I right-click on the view node in the left-hand column, similar to the option "Collapse <viewname>".
When I make changes to how I catalog my audio files/CD collection, I manually expand each tree level to see which entries need to be modified. For example, I changed the display in the view to show the album name preceeded by the release year. In order to see which albums are missing the release year, I have to expand each artist name in the tree to be able to see the album list.
The feature would be similar to the ability in Windows Explorer to right click on a folder and select "Expand". It would be very helpful to have 2 options: Expand single level, and expand all sub-levels.
Here is the topic I originally posted discussing this feature:
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,136624.msg955706.html#msg955706Please let me know if you need additional details. Thank you for your consideration.