More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Linux

Constant re-entering of licence

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David Sydney:
Hi there,

I am running MC on both windows and Linux with a master licence. I have been using the windows version more over the last while as that is where I am ripping cds etc.

Anyway every few weeks the Linux version 'loses' the licence and tells me my trial period is over and I have to reenter the product key again. This is driving me bananas as due to above every time I run it I have to enter the key again.

I do use Stacer regularly to clean out all the downloaded pack updates and so on to keep the system drive from expanding at a rate. Where is the licence file for MC stored, why is it being wiped or lost all the time. I am not going to stop using stacer - even then I usually leave the log files alone and clean cache, temp files, package caches ... but the MC licence file should not be in those surely? I am not playing around with anything in the ~\.jriver folders directly?

Awesome Donkey:
The question is, when you add the license back after it's lost then close MC and run Stacer again, does it lose the license again? If so, Stacer is probably removing something vital for MC to stay registered. JRiver probably won't go into specifics on what file(s) could be involved and where they're located, as that could cause them issues (so not going further with that). If I had to guess, if Stacer is directly causing it they'll probably recommend to not just not use Stacer on Linux boxes running MC.

Now, if running Stacer isn't causing the license to be immediately lost, there are other things that can cause the registration to be lost like changing hostname, MAC address randomization, system clock is incorrect, etc.

Have you tried registering it from the terminal?

--- Code: ---mediacenter31 /RestoreFromFile /path/to/mjrfile.mjr
--- End code ---

In the far past I had a similar issue and it was resolved by adding the license manually via the above method.

David Sydney:
Registering manually returns an error although not surprising perhaps as I never kept/used these files so cant recall where the mjr file I have came from.

I restore usually with the long string key (~30 char. code ). I have just restored it again, then run Stacer clean up and MC31 licence is intact and opens normally. It seems to loose the licence after the trial period (3 weeks?).

Back to the drawing board.


--- Quote from: David Sydney on January 25, 2024, 10:47:49 pm ---Registering manually returns an error although not surprising perhaps as I never kept/used these files so cant recall where the mjr file I have came from.

--- End quote ---

Well, get a fresh mjr and try to run it successfully? What's the error? If it's failing to restore manually the method you're using is probably not working either, could be bad ssl certs or something similarly related (system clock/timezone, lots of things your cleanup software could be affecting).


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