More > JRiver Media Center 31 for Linux

Constant re-entering of licence

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The mjr file is an Install Key.  It's only good for 14 days, but useful for licensing a machine that's not connected to the Internet.  It also doesn't use a restore.

After 14 days, you need to do a restore, using the Registration Code you received when purchasing.

The wiki topic called "Restoring a License" explains the details.

Awesome Donkey:
One thing to note when manually registering MC in a terminal is, unless you escape the path to the .mjr file with two " with one at the beginning and one at the end or rename the .mjr file and replace the spaces with -, it'll fail by default in a terminal because of the spaces. There's a few ways to properly escape the path to get it to work with the spaces, but I prefer using something like this...

--- Code: ---mediacenter31 /RegisterFromFile "/file/path/to/the/Media Center31 Master.mjr"
--- End code ---

Or whatever it's called. If you rename it and remove/replace the spaces, it'll work without escaping as long as there's no spaces in the path.

David Sydney:
Thanks folks on the tips for using mjr registration - I will use that next time... but it does not really explain what is going on. Although convenient to blame Stacer, I just proved that it was not the culprit. If the licence expires again in 2 weeks I will try the mjr file - but the file is not sent via email until after I enter the string key. I don't have any hugely customised/development type set up compared to many I see on youtube. I have a standard Manjaro (Arch) install.

For example it took me a year to work out why I could not get Timeshift to run on my system. With all the research I worked out myself that Timeshift will not display if there is a a RAID drive present even if I am not using it for any system or back up drive, just my media library ironically. As soon as I rejigged my system and remove the intel bios RAID5 I had, Timeshift works fine.... nothing to with non standard setup - just some quirk in the program itself. I suspect something like that is happening here....I will monitor further but restoring all the time is tedious and I cant link with anything I have done/not done.


--- Quote from: David Sydney on January 26, 2024, 09:35:15 pm ---Thanks folks on the tips for using mjr registration - I will use that next time... but it does not really explain what is going on. Although convenient to blame Stacer, I just proved that it was not the culprit. If the licence expires again in 2 weeks I will try the mjr file - but the file is not sent via email until after I enter the string key. I don't have any hugely customised/development type set up compared to many I see on youtube. I have a standard Manjaro (Arch) install.

For example it took me a year to work out why I could not get Timeshift to run on my system. With all the research I worked out myself that Timeshift will not display if there is a a RAID drive present even if I am not using it for any system or back up drive, just my media library ironically. As soon as I rejigged my system and remove the intel bios RAID5 I had, Timeshift works fine.... nothing to with non standard setup - just some quirk in the program itself. I suspect something like that is happening here....I will monitor further but restoring all the time is tedious and I cant link with anything I have done/not done.

--- End quote ---
Make sure Mac address randomization is NOT turned on and that your ethernet adapter has a consistent name.


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