My DELL Precision T7610 is crapping out on me. I was very happy with it and the synergy with my Modwright OPPO205 and system was great. It has trouble playing WASAPI 768khz on the latest MC31 and MC32 JRiver. It wont go higher than 176khz. Any suggestions on a store or used bought desktop that is Audiophile worthy? Also use it for 7.1 HDMI audio and movies. I will be installing a Matrix Audio USB Card. I work everyday and dont have time to build one. Thanks in advance!
What CPU are you running in your T7610 ? Single threaded speeds are still pertinent depending on what you are doing.
I recently bought a used FleaBay Optiplex 5070 MT with an i7-9700 in it for @ $330 and tossed in a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB NVMe boot drive that really woke it up.
NVMe prices are going nuts now compared to 6 months ago. The NVMe drive was $75 6 months ago and is now $179.
Just bought the wife a used 5080 MT yesterday with an i7-10700 in it and will do the same to it.
The 10th gen Intel chips are the last generation that support BluRay decoding.
Generations 11 and above have been BluRay neutered.
If you are too busy, you can pay your kid $2,500 to build you a $500 PC.