I believe I found it in the following location. Now just to figure out what I want it to look like instead:
<!-- Note that Text color will also affect borders around certain items. -->
<Colors Text="909090" Back="2b2b2b" SelectedText="000000" SelectedBack="3A3A3A" HotText="018fff" Gridline="333333" GridlineBack="2f2f2f" OverText="a3a3a3" />
<!-- Column headers in lists. Note that TextColor will also affect borders around certain items. -->
<Entry Name="HeaderBar" Bitmap="List_HeaderBar.png" Margins="3,2,3,3" NumberImages="3" TextColor="909090" OverTextColor="ffffff" PressedTextColor="00ff00" />
<Entry Name="BrowseHeaderBar" Bitmap="List_BrowseHeaderBar.png" Margins="3,2,3,3" />
<EntryGroup Name="Rating">
<Entry Bitmap="List_Rating.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Scale="1.5" Bitmap="List_Rating-1,5x.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Scale="2" Bitmap="List_Rating-2x.png" NumberImages="3" />
<EntryGroup Name="RatingClear">
<Entry Bitmap="List_RatingClear.png" NumberImages="4" />
<Entry Scale="2" Bitmap="List_RatingClear-2x.png" NumberImages="4" />
<Entry Name="Selection" Bitmap="List_Selection.png" NumberImages="3" Columns="4,?-Flex,4" Rows="4,?-Flex,4,?-Flex,4" />