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Author Topic: Skins: Item Selected in Standard View  (Read 2593 times)


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Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« on: February 28, 2024, 05:44:16 pm »

Is this an aspect of the skin? I'm talking about the Grey Box around Radiohead that you see here with Modern Cards: Grey Edition. When I use Modern Cards : Dark (which I normally do), I can barely see what it selected. I was hoping I could modify a file to make that more obvious, but looking at the tutorial, I'm not sure that it's controlled by the skin.


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Re: Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2024, 06:02:37 pm »

I believe I found it in the following location. Now just to figure out what I want it to look like instead:

Code: [Select]
<!-- Note that Text color will also affect borders around certain items. -->
<Colors Text="909090" Back="2b2b2b" SelectedText="000000" SelectedBack="3A3A3A" HotText="018fff" Gridline="333333" GridlineBack="2f2f2f" OverText="a3a3a3" />

<!-- Column headers in lists. Note that TextColor will also affect borders around certain items. -->
<Entry Name="HeaderBar" Bitmap="List_HeaderBar.png" Margins="3,2,3,3" NumberImages="3" TextColor="909090" OverTextColor="ffffff" PressedTextColor="00ff00" />

<Entry Name="BrowseHeaderBar" Bitmap="List_BrowseHeaderBar.png" Margins="3,2,3,3" />

<EntryGroup Name="Rating">
<Entry Bitmap="List_Rating.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Scale="1.5" Bitmap="List_Rating-1,5x.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Scale="2" Bitmap="List_Rating-2x.png" NumberImages="3" />

<EntryGroup Name="RatingClear">
<Entry Bitmap="List_RatingClear.png" NumberImages="4" />
<Entry Scale="2" Bitmap="List_RatingClear-2x.png" NumberImages="4" />

<Entry Name="Selection" Bitmap="List_Selection.png" NumberImages="3" Columns="4,?-Flex,4" Rows="4,?-Flex,4,?-Flex,4" />


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Re: [SOLVED] Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2024, 10:39:28 pm »

No. Not there.
There's a file in the skin directory named List_Selection.png, it's three shades of gray and is what should be being used. For some reason, it's not so at your end.

In your screenshot, two things came to mind...
1. Are you using a Mac?
2. What are those six dots around Radiohead?

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: [SOLVED] Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2024, 12:29:42 pm »

No. Not there.
There's a file in the skin directory named List_Selection.png, it's three shades of gray and is what should be being used. For some reason, it's not so at your end.

In your screenshot, two things came to mind...
1. Are you using a Mac?
2. What are those six dots around Radiohead?

You're right. I changed the font there and found the PNG, but then I got confused by the 3 grey things and which was which and what the columns/ rows/ flex stuff means in the XML:

Code: [Select]
<Entry Name="Selection" Bitmap="List_Selection.png" NumberImages="3" Columns="4,?-Flex,4" Rows="4,?-Flex,4,?-Flex,4" />

1. Yes. I can see what it looks like on my Windows VM, but I typically keep my windows one on Grey, not Dark. Attached the same view from the Windows server. Agreed, it makes more sense here and stands out more.
2. No idea :)


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Re: Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2024, 01:27:55 pm »

If you changed anything in the columns and/or rows data, it will affect how the selections appear.

Same applies if you changed the png file itself. The three shades are for a selection in focus, a selection not in focus and nothing selected, but shows what the mouse is over currently.

Finally, you're playing with a stock skin. If you re-install MC it will restore the skin to its out-of-the-box state. Then make a copy of the folder, name it something else, open the xml file change the name at the top to match your folder name and save. Now you have a 'new' skin to apply, and you can experiment away to your hearts content safe in knowledge that an update won't cause all your changes to be lost.

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: Skins: Item Selected in Standard View
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2024, 03:41:42 pm »

I changed the PNG to be lighter, so I could see what was changing and ended up with this. It does seem that it behaves differently on Windows vs Mac.

Finally, you're playing with a stock skin. If you re-install MC it will restore the skin to its out-of-the-box state. Then make a copy of the folder, name it something else, open the xml file change the name at the top to match your folder name and save. Now you have a 'new' skin to apply, and you can experiment away to your hearts content safe in knowledge that an update won't cause all your changes to be lost.

Yup! I had made a copy and edited the main.xml
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