I first came across JRiver Media Center about 15 years ago. I started building a pretty good size library, then after a few years stopped using it (probably because did not spend a lot of time listening to music on my desktop then).
This has changed now that I work remotely at home, using my work laptop to play Media Center files when not listening to internet radio. Now I can enjoy the program fully and have a reason to invest time in it again.
Here is the problem I am running against: back then I did not do a very good job at ripping many disks in my collection. When I rip disks now, I go to a lot of trouble to make sure the metadata is good (or download alternate data if not), and make sure everything is indexed clearly and completely. I didn't do that back than and some disks have poor or incomplete metadata.
Here is my question: is it possible to download new metadata to old rips, one at a time? Or can it only done at the time of the rip only? I can go through the process of re-ripping my disks as needed but it would be easier to not have to do that.