<I think we can delete this topic. I forgot to use the Move/Copy tool and just moved the folder myself. Obviously there are some internal linkages out of alignment>

I am in the process of moving to a new HTPC so when I migrated MC 32, I decided to rearrange some of the folders. I am using MC 32.0.47. I backed up all the settings on my old PC and then restored the library on the new PC.
I wanted to keep all permanent files (movies and old TV shows) in a read-only folder on my NAS and store the DVR output in a separate read-write folder. This was similar to what I already had except that there were two read-write sub folders in my single mapped volume for Windows.
I reconfigured the read-write privileges on my NAS and then mapped the second folder to a new drive letter. I was able to copy the DVR output to the new location and I changed the settings in MC 32 so that it points to the new folder. However when I try to load a recorded program in Theater Mode, nothing is displayed. The menu just reloads and I can try again as many times as I want. If I load the file directly from the File menu, everything works fine.
The most obvious explanation is that the directory stored in the MC settings is incorrect. However, I simply selected it by browsing through the available choices in the popup window so a typing error is not possible.