Devices > PC's and Other Hardware

These benchmarks too low to run JRiver?

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--- Quote from: JimH on July 21, 2024, 08:55:16 am ---Were you also bitstreaming?  What did you change?

More details, please.

--- End quote ---
Good suggestions regarding WASAPI being default.

And to confirm, yes I was using bitstreaming as well, and the issue seems to carry across multiple Windows versions and hardware types.

The issues occurred on:
Intel Core i750 950 / GTX 1050 (Windows 10)
AMD A8 7600 / GTX 1050 (Windows 10)
Intel Core i5-13600T / UHD Graphics 770 (Windows 11)
Intel Core i7-9750H / GTX 1650 (Windows 11)


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