Have used Gizmo successfully for years to control Media Center both on my NAS and on my Laptop. I have moved recently and now, Gizmo will not play to my server (laptop in this case, as I have yet to setup my NAS). I can log onto the server and play to my phone, but when I click on "Play to" in order to change to, I then select the laptop with correct access key, Gizmo appears to logon but I do not see "Server" in the play to section of Gizmo.
I have deactivated DLNA in MC32 and reactivated it, and same access key is used. I have tried inputting a new server with the same access key, but still, I can only play to my device and not the laptop. I CAN play from my laptop using my keyboard but Gizmo will not show whats playing.
I have reinstalled Gizmo and same access keys appear in Gizmo so I am at a loss as to how to control my laptop. Its gotta be simple but I dont know what to do next. HELP!