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Author Topic: Bug with | character in find and replace that's been there for years now  (Read 1525 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 83

bought 33 and i've noticed this bug for years so i thought i'd finally whinge about it.

I think this has been present since the linux version has existed.

screen 1, you open find and replace and type | (this is in a lot of genre strings so i use it semi regularly)

screen2, when you switch to a different string the | is replaced with an empty string so you have to type it again to go back.

you can end up with a lot of empty strings in your list but i'm not sure of how that happens. it will sometimes create a new entry or will just use a recent empty.

i know it's not a big issue and i've dealt with it for years now but i figure if i don't tell anyone it won't get fixed.



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+1, I've had this issue for years and have trained myself to not use Find & Replace so I always forget about it, thanks for making a topic.
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