I have a strange problem.
I have two DSD only dacs one is with JLsounds USB to I2S and the other is with Amanero combo 384 USB to I2S.
I use SOX to upsample to DSD.
I use the latest (tried the privious drivers too) 1.10 ASIO driver for combo 384, but it produces strange noises while playing. It is not stutter, even though it resembles it a bit .Only when I set it at 1xDSD native format it plays clean. Not in 1xDSD DOP.
The JLsounds plays fine up to 4XDSD.
When I use Audirvana with the same ASIO driver for combo 384 it can easily play 4xDSD without any noises.
I have tried all sorts of things with loooong buffering (2000ms) aso. but nothing helps.