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Author Topic: My head is back together  (Read 2291 times)


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My head is back together
« on: January 31, 2003, 09:04:47 am »

Hello every one, I was not able to check the BB for the last 3 weeks. I was at work on saturday Jan 11th and a coworker got mad at me for now reason and picked me up and slammed me on my head, I went home and lost my mind and my mom found me and call 911, that night the doctors cat scan my head and found that I had a fracured skull on the right side and 2 huge blood clots squeezing my brain, they cut my skull open on the right and left temple and removed the clots and repaired the veins, put my head together and installed 6 titanium screws to hold the access holes closed. I am out of work untill the brain doctor releases me back to work and I will be joing a different company. just the last few days my brain has been working good enough that I was able to start using MC9 again and understand what the heck it was doing, I suffer slight permenent damage to my memory and dont know much of what this thing is doing and have to learn how to use it again, that its self is a lot of fun since it is helping keep me busy on my free time I have a lot of right now.

Bottom line I want to say hello to all of you again and  big Hello to JimH and his staff. bellow is the link for the pictures of my head from last week.


enlarge each shot for better view

Later every one
Robert Long


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2003, 09:18:07 am »

Holy Cow, Robert!  I'm glad you're OK now.

Don't worry about memory loss.  It isn't as bad as it seems because .... oh, never mind. :P


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2003, 10:11:58 am »

Whoa! Jeez man, you take care of yourself. Your story makes me angry.


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2003, 10:15:44 am »


Glad to have you back, and am sure that you'll fight your way through this.  We've missed you.


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2003, 10:50:46 am »

I am glad to be back to normal, oopps. I used to be normal, now I have improved vision that I notice fine detail froma long distance, I can hear to such detail that I walk away from crowds of people because I hear everything at the same time, I can smell in detail that eveyone else cant notice unless they stick their nose in inches from the source, I am almost like the 6 million dollar man from the past except I did not get robotics. Only 4 hours of brain suregery. Realy, the only thing that bothers me right now is that all the muscles that were cut for access to the skull are giving me the hard time, I cant open my mouth much and have to eat small flat  flat porsions of food that will clear my teeth. Realy right now I am in a good mode most of the time and cant wait to go back to work with a new company, I only get some low emotions when I set here and think about that I wont get a new job for 4 more weeks and have to watch my checking and savings account so that the money lasts me for the time being.  The thing is that the company fires me on Feb 1 2003, they made lies as to the reason I was injured and accuse me of being the attacker as the excuse so that they will not have to pay me and cover the costs. My medical insurance has to cover the cost but I will be hit with $325 to $400 in copayments. But the good side is that I finaly get to leave the company I quit liking years ago and get to join the company I liked 3 years ago. Oh well, I will let you all know if I get a lawyer and if I look like I might qualify for a lawsuit, I saw a web page that says that I Qualify a lawsuit since my skull was fractured and that the had to operate on my brain, oh well I dont know anything right now but if I find out or something good happens in the future I will let yall know

Robert Long


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2003, 12:03:24 pm »

Welcome back Robert! Sounds like it could have ended up a lot worse. The important thing is you're hanging in there. Good luck with your recovery and take care.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2003, 12:24:54 pm »

Glad you're feeling better Deathrider, and welcome back :)

Reminds me of a story of my own:

When I was like 6 years old, my parents left my 14 year old self-proclaimed ninja master brother and me home alone.  For some reason (we were kids), he decided it was time for me to become a ninja.  After about an hour of intense ninja training, I cracked my head open practicing a fancy ninja maneuver.

I was losing a lot of blood, but my brother craftily wrapped my head in my parents sheets.

We couldn't find any adults, so we were going to have to get on our bikes and ride a few miles to the hospital -- sheet turbin and all.

Just as we went outside to get on our bikes, my folks pulled up in the ole' wood paneled station wagon.  They rushed me to the emergency room where I got ten stitches.  I still have a scar.

I think that was the day I decided to be a programmer instead of a ninja :P
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2003, 01:55:18 pm »

OMG Robert! I wish you the best in your recovery.

I have to echo lee269. That is an outrage. Honestly, get a good lawyer. The person (I use that loosely) should be held accountable for this. Man, glad to hear you pulled through.

Sidenote that resembles Matt:

4 years old and thinking your the 'Man of Steel' diving off the headboard isn't good either. Especially when your face plants against the footboard. Baby teeth are sharp and make clean exit wounds.  :-X


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2003, 02:40:57 pm »

boy this sound crazy.....

btw... did you change your name after all that happend? or was it a bad omen? (if yes, you should probably change it now for something less borderline like.... ;-) )

anyway, good luck for your full recovery....




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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2003, 03:52:36 pm »

what a story!
Wish you a good recovery and things back to normal.

As you know ,i am not living in USA ,so i do not know what you have to do concerning lawyer and so on.
But look like you can do something . I cannot imagine that the one who did it can just walk out free of problem.

Again all the best recovery


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2003, 05:27:09 pm »

BOYYYY, yall got my spirit right back up again. I dont know how to act  right now, My company lied and fired me but my direct boss and fellow employees are trying to cheer me up and are talking to me all the time and yall are great pep me up kind of guys.

Matt, Glad to hear you are good to, I had a broken skull and blood clots and vein repairs and a lump on my head but no open skin, geez, my skin is tougher than my skull and brain these days and I am a happy mechanic but am now also a PC builder after I tought myself how to build them LOL.

INGO, My name here is deathrider, but real name is the same as all the e-mail names and is Legngrill wich stands for "Leg In Grill" and I came up with that name because 4 yrs ago I was changing a flat tire on my explorer from a defective tire before the USA new about them LOL, I saw a truck coming right at me and tried to jump out of the way and his grill hit my left leg and it spun into the rear of my explorer and I ended up with a broken knee, ankle and foot and was out of work 6 months and my company took care of me because the were not at fault. now this year they are at fault and screwed me in the end LOL.

ZEVELE, In the Miami Florida USA I happen to meet a few lawyers or freinds of lawyers and they are jumping up and down and want to cover me like crazy, It apears that I am in a good line for a law suit, only one odd thing, one lawyer thinks upper thousands and another lawyer thinks in the millions. I will go thru with it but put it out of my mind and be happy with what it is in the end, and if it is in the millions then I will take a vacation and visit people like JimH and you Zevele because if I get a lot of money and dont need to work again then I need to travel a lot because I cant stand staying at home a lot. Bottom line right now is that I am only thinking about finding a new job right now so that I can take care of my daughter, I am a single parent and need to make a living right now so that I can take good care of my child.

I am always in a good mood when I talk to people who are cheering me up and yall are a big part of it, Thank you MY FREINDS on this sight and those that call me.

Right now I got a good freind down the street from me who was in the army with me who is also fired from the same company as mine who is doing a lot to help me right now and setting me up with his freinds for jobs and I told him that when I have income again I was going to build him a new PC and showed him MC9 and he loves it and I am going to give him the money so that he can buy it for his PC because he was totaly impressed by JRiver program as well as MJ8.

Who knows? If I do come across big money, maybe I will make special T shirts and send them to you, I will let you know as soon as I come across money.


P.S. right now I want to give all the freindly folks a hug for cheering me up.
Robert Long


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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2003, 03:51:16 am »


ZEVELE, In the Miami Florida USA I happen to meet a few lawyers or freinds of lawyers and they are jumping up and down and want to cover me like crazy, It apears that I am in a good line for a law suit, only one odd thing, one lawyer thinks upper thousands and another lawyer thinks in the millions....

...Who knows? If I do come across big money, maybe I will make special T shirts and send them to you, I will let you know as soon as I come across money.



Don't think in millions (i'm only a swiss lawyer, but...). The most important thing is your own health. So try to care about you and come to good health. This is more worth than (maybe) some millions...

And - don't tell others from your (maybe) millions. You suddenly will have a few more friends. And not the best...

Teke care ;)


Charlemagne 8

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Re: My head is back together
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2003, 06:55:09 am »

I just read this and am shocked, amazed, flabbergasted, angry and vengeful.

This guy SHOULD NOT walk free. Anyone who would do that to another human being is a danger to everyone and should be put away.

I agree with some that the money is not the issue but this will affect you in some ways for the rest of your life.

The company took the position they did because they were/are afraid of what you can do to them. In all probability, it was one guy that made the decision.
Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would set you up in a consultant position with a big raise ... if you signed a release ... and get/give you whatever you wanted forever. It would be cheaper than what they've called down upon themselves.

So go get 'em. Money is what they understand and that's the only way to get their attention.

If you don't want the money, put it in a trust fund for your daughter. Or I'm sure you can find hundreds of people that would be glad to help you decide what to do with it.

Just sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong:
That's right.
I'm cool.
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