I am in process of ripping a CD Single, which is a bit scuffed up. The first time I ripped it I did not get any error log comments presented (usually popd up when closing the rip window)... however the track has skips on it. So I decided to do this again and adjust down the speed setting in the CD/DVD section of settings. The settings appear to be a hang over from the Windows version since it shows my device first (/dev/sr0) then drice D: Drive E: etc all the way to G: ... anyway I changed /dev/sr0 to a speed of 4x maximum. Loaded the CD in again and the ripp process took it all the way up to 10x +. OK so I went back in and changed every CD device existing r not to max 4x and again the rip process went up past 10x and I have tracks with skips in them on playback...
Basically these settings in Linux version are being ignored.?