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Author Topic: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons  (Read 1746 times)


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New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« on: January 13, 2025, 09:18:18 am »

Again a big THANK YOU for the new windows management.
Two things don't work as expected:
1) After some time the full-screen-mode is finished without I changed that myself
2) Sometimes - in full-screen-mode - you can't switch between MC and another program.When I want to call MC, the window jumps back to the other program every time.


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Re: Thread for feedback on the MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2025, 03:39:13 pm »

Please put feedback for the issue in this thread.

NOTE: The system buttons have ALWAYS been on every window EXCEPT the Standard View UI window. That is non-trivial to change to MC buttons because the windows version uses windows only code so we will attempt to tackle the issues with them individually.


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Re: Thread for feedback on the MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2025, 12:45:46 pm »

1) After some time the full-screen-mode is finished without I changed that myself
2) Sometimes - in full-screen-mode - you can't switch between MC and another program.When I want to call MC, the window jumps back to the other program every time.

1) What is MC doing when it exits full screen? How long?
2) How are you trying to switch between programs?  Is the other program also full screen?

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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2025, 01:02:46 am »

Using the MacOS Close, Min, Max/Restore Buttons vs retaining the MC versions of those buttons.

Microsoft introduced the ability to use the Max/Restore/Resize Button to Resize and Position a Window back in 2021 when Windows !! was released and MC for Windows has not been amended to make use of those Resize & Move Options.
I seriously doubt if such a Feature/Option will be introduced into any of the multitude of variants of the Linux Operating System. Over the past few years a lot of work has been put in to making MC for the Mac more like MC for the Win so why are we even considering making MC for the Mac very different to MC for both the Win and Linux Platforms.

Let's look at some of the problems those MacOS buttons cause in MC.
The MacOS buttons will only ever do what Apple want them to do, but the MC versions of those buttons could be classed as Intelligent because they do what JRiver have programmed them to do.

The Red Close Button-
The MacOS one will Close MC regardless of what view it is in when the user presses it.
The MC version will:-
Close MC when it is in Standard View
Reopen the Previous View when MC is in Display View or Cover View.
In Mini-View it serves 2 purposes based on how the Tools > Options > General > Behaviour > Mini View close mode Option is set; if it's set to "Close Program" that is what it will do but if it's set to "Return to Standard View" that is what it will do regardless of which view MC was in prior to switching to Mini-View.
In Cover and Display View the Close Button on the Drop-Down PlayerBar Window. it returns MC to the Previous View

The Green Maximise/Restore.
With the MC Version
In Display View the Green Button on the DropDown Player Bar window is the one that is used to Dock/Lock or UnDock/Unlock the PlayerBar Window into Display View.

Mini View doesn't have a maximise button because the only size change the user can make to that PlayerBar is to make it Wider or Narrower
But the Dumb MacOS Resize button doesn't know there isn't a Maximised/Fullscreen Variant of that PlayerBar and the attached image reveals what happens if you use that button.
Oh that's what happens if a TrackInfo Plugin is not being used, if one is being used the Display Panel will be shown alongside the previous, play/pause, stop and next buttons.

With the MacOS buttons the Cover View and Display View Drop Down Playerbar don't have any Close, Minimise or Maximise/Restore Button on them. Yes I do know that the Drop Down PlayerBar never put is an appearance in MC for the Mac but hopefully Bob will be able to work out why it doesn't.

Over 95% of the Available Standard View Skins were created before MC for the Mac was introduced or were only written with use on the Windows Platform in mind, you'd be surprised by the number of MC users/skin creators who forget MC is a Multi-Platform Software Package.
That means that because the Windows Close, Min, Max/Restore Buttons are at the right hand end of the TopBar for those skins the Menus and Shortcut Icons on the Top Toolbar will be placed starting from it's left hand-edge. But that's where the Mac Close, Min, Max/Restore Buttons are placed either by the OS or by Skins that are "Multi-Platform". Yes I know that Apple Hijacks the MC menus and moves them onto the Apple Menu/Header bar, but that still leaves the problem of the Apple OS Buttons sitting on top of the first 2 or 3 shortcut icons and there is nothing the individual MC user can do to rectify that problem.

With the MacOS Buttons we end up with an MC that has reduced functionality and probably every MC for Mac user who can't use Sequoia will be in here complaining, very loudly, about changes made to accommodate an OS Feature that will never be available to them, there may well be some of the Sequoia users complaining as well.

Most of the Available Standard View Skins have an instruction similar to this <Data MinimumWidth="800" MinimumHeight="600"/> in the main.xml file used to build that skin, it prevents the skin being resized to a size lower than those specified by the stated MinimumWidth and Height Values. Even though we have always been allowed to resize MC if and when we do we have to allow for the simple fact that we are going to increase the amount of time we are going to have to spend using the scrollbars to navigate to what it is we want to see/check/change.

Something Apple are keeping very quite about but according to some reports/rumours they are redesigning the MagicMouse and the software it uses to solve some of the problems Mac owners are experiencing/reporting when the new options available via the Green Maximise/Resize Button can result in enough open windows on a single screen to cause the MagicMouse to Malfunction.

But revelations about Sequoia causing weird problems don't surprise me anymore since anyone using it on a PC with an M4 chip is using a different variant to anyone using it on a PC fitted with an M1, M2 or M3 Chip.
There is something about the Apple PC's fitted with an M4 chip that you won't find in any previous Apple PC's and it involves the SSD. Unlike previous Mac PC's which only have 1 System Disc the PC's fitted with an M4 Chip the system disc is actually spread across 2 M2 type discs on the same card. It's something Apple do not mention in their promo/sales literature but was discovered after somebody took a M4 Mac Mini apart and published their findings. The strongest rumours floating around tend to suggest that the twin system disc approach was Apple's quickest/easiest way of concealing the fact that the M4 chip with a Single System Disc revealed just how inefficient the OS and a lot of Apple APs are.

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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2025, 03:07:24 am »

Two things don't work as expected:
1) After some time the full-screen-mode is finished without I changed that myself
2) Sometimes - in full-screen-mode - you can't switch between MC and another program.When I want to call MC, the window jumps back to the other program every time.

Over the last 8 weeks I've been doing some extensive testing of MC which has involved me having it running in FullScreen Mode for between 6 and 8 hours most days and I've never once encountered MC dropping out of FullScreen Mode nor when another App has focus switching from that App to MC the OS failing to give the focus back to to MC.
But I'm prepared to accept that could be because I'm running MC on a M4 Mac Mini with 16Gb of RAM and don't use an Apple non-magical mouse, nor do I use Apple's nonsensical option to resize/position windows.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2025, 09:03:34 am »

Thanks for the feedback ET!
Looking at your notes and testing with MC32 and the beta MC33 side by side I am seeing the maximize issue you found on mini view. The maximize button shouldn't be there for sure.
I'm not seeing the close effect on the mini view. It goes back to standard view for me.
Also note that all of the buttons not on the main MC standard view are the system buttons on Mac and always have been.
That is where there is code to intercept them on windows, which is only implemented on windows, because it uses the windows API to do the MC actions you mentioned.

From your feedback ideally those non standard view window button should all be changed to look like the MC on windows (linux BTW has the same behavior as Mac here).
Since we've had some positive feedback on the Maximize on the standard UI window I think it would be useful to keep the system buttons there or at least as an option.



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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2025, 10:37:34 am »

Also note that all of the buttons not on the main MC standard view are the system buttons on Mac and always have been.
That is where the code to intercept them on windows which is only implemented on windows because it uses the windows API is doing the MC actions you mentioned.

From your feedback ideally those non standard view window button should all be changed to look like the MC on windows (linux BTW has the same behavior as Mac here).
Since we've had some positive feedback on the Maximize on the standard UI window I think it would be useful to keep the system buttons there or at least as an option.


As a skin creator of course I would love the Top Border/Line complete with the MC Buttons on the tops of those none-main standard view window forms/windows to put in a appearance on the mac, but I can live with the current situation since the MacOS Minimise Button is only ever active for the DSP Studio forms/windows; on the Win pc that is the only time it is visible on any of those non main standard view windows.

If there was a way of getting the MC close, minimise, maximise/restore buttons back onto the Cover and Display View DropDown PlayerBar that would solve the problem of those 2 assigning a different purpose to the close and  maximise/restore buttons being assigned to a different purpose to the MacOS ones.

One of these days Apple may sort out those resize/position options to get rid of the unpredictable way it resizes/moves windows. During my testing some of the times it would treat a display panel being used by a TrackInfo plugin correctly as and integral part of the main MC window, at other times it would resize the main MC window but not the display panel and getting the 2 back together could only be achieved by closing and then reopening MC.
But since it has taken Apple 10 years to get round to correcting the stupid modification they made to the MagicMouse I won't be holding my breath waiting for them to fix something I probably will never use.

Since the project "Goodbye Microsoft Buttons" skins are compatible with both the MacOS and MC close, minimise, maximise/restore buttons then as long as there is a minimal loss of overall MC functionality I don't mind if the MacOS Buttons stay
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2025, 02:36:14 am »

I still have the problem that the full screen mode finishes at some point without me ending it myself.
This does not happen after a certain time, but at some point, when I switch between different programs by swiping from left to right or right to left with 2 fingers on the Magic Mouse.
And it happens in admittedly very rare cases that the programs suddenly very quickly switch back and forth by themselves, which can only be finished by closing MC.

Nevertheless, I am more than happy that with the new window management I can finally run my Mac routines with MC, too, and would be happy if that is maintained.
I am working on a 2021 16'' MacBook with M1 processor.



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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2025, 01:58:01 pm »

MC 33.0.56 is un-maximizing for me automatically, too.  In my case, I have a reproducible set of steps that I have run on my main machine running macOS 18.3 beta and on a virtual machine running macOS 18.2.  The issue does not happen on my 2014 mac mini running Monterey.

Video of this happening is on YouTube:

Mac Mini M2 Pro
OS 15.3 Beta (24D5055b)

Maximize using system maximize button.
In a pane view, click on an artist
MC un-maximizes.

One other thing I did observe, though, on both the VM and the old Mini is that when I first started MC, the system buttons were missing completely.  I had to restart MC to get them to appear.


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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2025, 12:05:44 pm »

The un-maximising problems are probably being caused by Sequoia being too big/cumbersome to run efficiently on anything other than a M4 equipped Mac. On a mac that has only 8GB of memory you could try making sure AI and Sequoia only features are turned off or are not used but there are no guarantees that will improve things.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2025, 12:41:17 pm »

The un-maximising problems are probably being caused by Sequoia being too big/cumbersome to run efficiently on anything other than a M4 equipped Mac. On a mac that has only 8GB of memory you could try making sure AI and Sequoia only features are turned off or are not used but there are no guarantees that will improve things.
Craig did some changes in this area. I'm about to upload a build. Feedback would be helpful.


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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2025, 06:25:21 am »

One of the things I love about MediaCenter is the fact that it is very different from the boring "everything has to look the same" output from the Seattle & Cupertino "Chinese Flatpack" Factories. Ever tried changing the skin in Windows Media Player or Apple Music?

But one of those Differences is behind my dislike/hatred of using the AppleOS Maximise/Restore Button instead of the existing MC One.

Unlike those boring MS and Apple Ap's, which can safely be resized by an OS Routine/App, the MC Main Window Structure does not lend itself to being resized in a single operation.
In Playing Now View if you push the right hand sizing handle inwards the Display Panel and Details List get narrower but the Tree remains at the same width. If you push the left hand sizing handle inwards you will see the same thing happening. Things are slightly different when it comes to the top and bottom sizing handles; the Tree, Display Panel and Details List Panel will all shrink but if it is open the Action Window Panel does not. Thankfully there are a couple of Skinning instructions MinimumHeight and MinimumWidth, which are under the control of the Skin Creator, to prevent the Main UI becoming unusable.

When it comes to the Popup Windows like the DSP Studio and Tools >> Options Windows things can get even worse because there is no limit on the amount by which those windows can be resized so it is possible to end up with a Totally Unusable Window.

If I use that AppleOS Buttons New Options to put MC into FullScreen Mode I can access the Apple MenuBar and the AppleOS Buttons, which end up sitting on top of the PlayerBar's Previous Button, but not the Dock. If I select one of the 2 Full Screen Half Screen Width Full Height Option I can not access the AppleOS Buttons,  Apple MenuBar or the Dock, I have to click on the MC Main UI to gain access to any of those controls.
But If I manually put MC into fullscreen mode the AppleOS buttons, or if I use an earlier version of MC33 the MC Buttons, remain on the MC Topbar and they, the Apple Menu and Dock are always available.

Would I like to see MC restructured to make it more "resizable friendly"  - NO because it would take too long to achieve and along with Marko and Awesome Donkey I do not fancy spending, hours. days, weeks probably even months making sure the skins we have created work correctly within that new structure. Nor would I, or anybody else, willingly volunteer to make sure the over 100 other available skins also work with that new structure.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2025, 11:14:26 am »

Every single minimize, maximize, close button other than the main UI were always using the system buttons so the issues with those always existed.
What Craig has been doing is the try to make them do only what they should do, like not fullscreen a window when the desired effect is a maximize.

As for the main UI window, the goal has been to make the system fullscreen/maximize/tile button do something useful.

The window versions uses a windows API to deal with the non main UI buttons. We don't have that available on Mac (or linux for that matter) so we are trying to do what we can to mimic the windows behavior as much as possible but still use the functionality added by the Mac system buttons on the main UI.



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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2025, 11:17:13 am »

like middle click on the close button to restart? Someone should be shouting from the rooftops about that... It's just, inspired brilliance :D

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time

Awesome Donkey

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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2025, 07:47:54 am »

Just got my new M4 Mac Mini yesterday and I've setup MC33 for Mac on it and I have to say, the native system maximize/restore/minimize/close (AKA stoplight) buttons look and are working very well! Good work Craig!

Will be playing around with it more later to look for any issues.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2025, 11:30:54 am »

A couple of problems
#1 The drop-Down for Cover-View should only have a Red close button on it to send MC back to Standard View, at present it also gas a Green Button on it which switches Cover View form it's common to all platforms  Fullscreen mode to Windowed Mode, but when it's in Windowed Mode the drop down has all 3 red, yellow and green buttons on it.
Now for the bad news - If Cover View is in Windowed Mode when it returns to Standard View standard view will be in Fullscreen mode regardless of which mode it was in before going to cover view. I am using the phrase drop-down to refer to the single line that holds the Apple OS buttons and not the drop-down player bar that has never been seen on the Mac platform.

#2 Display View - The drop-down playerbar doesn't have any buttons on it. It should have a red one to return to standard view, a yellow one to minimize it and a green one to dock/lock the player bar and bottom toolbar into display view in windowed mode. When in windowed mode the green button is used to switch it back into fullscreen mode.

#3 Mini-View and Display View - The Apple Menu Bar is displaying the Full Standard View Menu Options not the shorter File, Edit, View one with limited options.

#4 There are 2 versions of the Mini, Cover and Display View Player Bars, 1 without a menu bar and one with a menu bar and if the 1st one is used the MacOS buttons end up overlapping the Player Control Buttons.

#5. The Green Button on a Pop-up Window, like Tools > Options. can we please have it working the way it was before because if anyone uses one of those Apple Resize Options they end up having to manually resize the window/form to get it back anywhere near a usable size and shape.

Can we please go back to using the MC Buttons and get the lack off a drop-down player bar in cover view fixed along with stopping a TrackInfo Plugin appearing in Mini-View and on the Landing Page in Theatre View.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2025, 09:28:44 am »

A couple of problems
#1 The drop-Down for Cover-View should only have a Red close button on it to send MC back to Standard View, at present it also gas a Green Button on it which switches Cover View form it's common to all platforms  Fullscreen mode to Windowed Mode, but when it's in Windowed Mode the drop down has all 3 red, yellow and green buttons on it.
Now for the bad news - If Cover View is in Windowed Mode when it returns to Standard View standard view will be in Fullscreen mode regardless of which mode it was in before going to cover view. I am using the phrase drop-down to refer to the single line that holds the Apple OS buttons and not the drop-down player bar that has never been seen on the Mac platform.

#2 Display View - The drop-down playerbar doesn't have any buttons on it. It should have a red one to return to standard view, a yellow one to minimize it and a green one to dock/lock the player bar and bottom toolbar into display view in windowed mode. When in windowed mode the green button is used to switch it back into fullscreen mode.

#3 Mini-View and Display View - The Apple Menu Bar is displaying the Full Standard View Menu Options not the shorter File, Edit, View one with limited options.

#4 There are 2 versions of the Mini, Cover and Display View Player Bars, 1 without a menu bar and one with a menu bar and if the 1st one is used the MacOS buttons end up overlapping the Player Control Buttons.

#5. The Green Button on a Pop-up Window, like Tools > Options. can we please have it working the way it was before because if anyone uses one of those Apple Resize Options they end up having to manually resize the window/form to get it back anywhere near a usable size and shape.

Can we please go back to using the MC Buttons and get the lack off a drop-down player bar in cover view fixed along with stopping a TrackInfo Plugin appearing in Mini-View and on the Landing Page in Theatre View.

I'm seeing some of these, like the mini view issue.
I don't see any difference between MC32 and MC33 on Mac for issue #5.
Hopefully we can try to get at these one at a time. Like I said before, any buttons not on the main UI (popups, etc) were always system buttons. If they behave differently now there is an issue with the way the buttons were enabled for the main UI.


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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2025, 04:59:29 am »

Bob - I've found a solution to the MC and/or AppleOS Buttons overlapping the Player Controls when the FullScreen Player is being used; it's called ensuring every Stock and Site Skin is only using the Fullscreen Player on the Windows and Linux Platforms and is only using the Slim Player on the Mac.

Since that means having to check through 76 Stock & Site Skins and make the necessary adjustments to the ones that use the Fullscreen Player, like the ModenCards and Thunderstorm Skin, and of course make the necessary corrections to the Standard View Skinning Guide it could take a while before the modified Guide and Skins see the light of day.

Oh and at least a handful of those skins have something, usually a logo or words, in their top left corner that means the MC buttons have to be placed behind whatever is preventing them to be right at the start of the top bar. One of them even places the Buttons and Menu one line lower so that it's sitting under the logo/words; as you can probably guess I've put a lot of time and effort into ensuring MC, when its using its own buttons, is placing the buttons and menus etc., in the right places. So unless you can guarantee that the AppleOS can/will use the OffsetX and OffsetY values the MC buttons use I will continue to object to something I see pointless - The AppleOS buttons being used in the MC Main UI.
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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2025, 12:38:31 pm »

A couple of problems
#1 The drop-Down for Cover-View should only have a Red close button on it to send MC back to Standard View, at present it also gas a Green Button on it which switches Cover View form it's common to all platforms  Fullscreen mode to Windowed Mode, but when it's in Windowed Mode the drop down has all 3 red, yellow and green buttons on it.
Now for the bad news - If Cover View is in Windowed Mode when it returns to Standard View standard view will be in Fullscreen mode regardless of which mode it was in before going to cover view. I am using the phrase drop-down to refer to the single line that holds the Apple OS buttons and not the drop-down player bar that has never been seen on the Mac platform.

#2 Display View - The drop-down playerbar doesn't have any buttons on it. It should have a red one to return to standard view, a yellow one to minimize it and a green one to dock/lock the player bar and bottom toolbar into display view in windowed mode. When in windowed mode the green button is used to switch it back into fullscreen mode.

#3 Mini-View and Display View - The Apple Menu Bar is displaying the Full Standard View Menu Options not the shorter File, Edit, View one with limited options.

#4 There are 2 versions of the Mini, Cover and Display View Player Bars, 1 without a menu bar and one with a menu bar and if the 1st one is used the MacOS buttons end up overlapping the Player Control Buttons.

1) Green button is now disabled in Cover View
2) Green button is now disabled in Display View.  Note that it is currently not possible to have Display View in windowed mode.  We may revisit this.
3) The main menu now changes as appropriate.
4) I don't understand this one.  I don't see a Player Bar for Cover View?

Note that we are considering adding an option to use the MC buttons (hide the system buttons) on the main window like before.
-Craig    MO 4Media remote and player:  Android/TV/Auto | iOS | Windows 10/UWP


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Re: New MacOS system maximize, etc buttons
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2025, 01:05:59 pm »

CNCB/Craig you don't see the Player Bar in Cover View but do see it in Display View because it hasn't been implemented in Cover View

As for Display View in windowed mode, that one has always been a bit cranky and can depend on how you put MC into display view.
Sometimes the Drop-down payer bar can be to the left of the main ui and although the green button will put Display View into windowed mode with the player bar docked/locked in place MC never remembers that Display Mode was last open in Windowed Mode.
Sometimes being able to use the player bar for anything when its sitting over on the left can be a real pain in the proverbial because with some versions of multiple Apple Mc Os's moving the mouse up to the top of the display view window results in what can be best be described as  2 people on steroids playing ping pong because the screen starts switching between the display view screen and the player bar at an extremely rapid rate.
But if you use Cmd+3 to go to Display View when moving the mouse to the top of the  screen the drop-down player bar appears and the green button puts Display View into widowed mode with the docked/locked player bar plus MC remembers that display view was last open in windowed mode meaning the player bar remains locked/docked in place until the green button is used to switch it to full screen mode.
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