Yes -The MC Ultra Track Info Plugins are Back. BUT the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugin that ships with MC33.0.63 is a brand new version.
The new version of MC Ultra, which is mainly for use with Non-Classical Music, and its companion MCC Ultra which is mainly for use with Classical Music, have all the "View..." Drop Down Menu Options that were available with the older MC Ultra, MC Ultra II, MC Ultra IIC, MC Ultra III & MC Ultra IIIC; but in the new versions which of those options appear on the Drop Down Menu is determined on a Track by track basis.
The following Options can appear on the MC and MCC Ultra "View..." Drop Down Menu:-
Artists Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Biography *
Comments - MC Field/Tag Name - Comment *
Composers Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Composers Biography *
Lyrics - MC Field/Tag Name - Lyrics **
Notes - MC Field/Tag Name - Notes *
Legacy Tag Window - Alphabetic List Of All Tags
Modern Tag Window - All Tags
Track + Album Info
* These Options only appear on either "View..." Menu for the Current Track if the associated MC Field/Tag Exists and has Content (Metadata)
** The Lyrics Option will always appear on the MC Ultra "View..." Menu but will only appear on the MCC Ultra "View..." Menu if the Lyrics Field/Tag has Content (Metadata)
Although the new "View..." Drop Down Menu only has a single "Lyrics" option the 3 different ways the MC Ultra Plugins have of presenting lyrics still exist.
MC and MCC Ultra use a new JavaScript Function switchLyr() that makes the decision on which of the 3 Lyrics Display Modes should be used to display them.
If the lyrics can fit in a single column that's the way it will display them,
If they would cause an overflow it will display them in 2 columns,
If they would cause an overflow when displaying them in 2 columns it will display them in 3 columns,
If they would cause an overflow when displaying them in 3 columns then the Horizontal Scrollbar will also be present in the display panel,
The lyrics display modes have another trick or two hidden up their sleeves, they Centre the Lyrics Vertically plus the 2 & 3 column modes Evenly Distribute (Balance) the lyrics between the columns when they can be fitted into 2 or 3 columns.
If the amount of lyrics in "3 Column Display Mode" cause an overflow and the horizontal scrollbar appears on the screen the lyrics will not be centred vertically or balanced instead every column required to display those lyrics will get filled from top to bottom until it runs out of lyrics to display.
In MC Ultra if the current track does not have any lyrics then "This Track Does Not Have Any Lyrics !!!" will be displayed centred vertically in a single column.
Their final trick happens when the display panel is resized, i.e. when it is made taller/shorter by moving the splitter bar up/down or when switching from Playing Now to Display View, this will trigger another new JavaScript Function redrawLyr() which will redraw the Lyrics Page using the new display panel size to determine which Lyrics Display Mode should be used.
Clicking on this link will allow you to read more but MC and MCC Ultra and Download MCC Ultra:-