As long as a TrackInfo Plugin is not in use then double clicking in the Display Panel in Standard or Cover View will switch MC into Display View and when in Display View double clicking on the Display Panel will take you back to Previous View.
This is definitely one of my all-time favorites.
FYI, the double-click toggle
will work with track info plug-ins, so long as you're using Chromium as your browser engine, and not Microsoft Edge (set via Options/Tree &View/Web Browser).
Unfortunately with Chromium, spotlight will only show artist albums that you have in your library, instead of all albums in the artists catalog (Microsoft Edge displays all albums). So you are forced to choose which you prefer more: double-click to instantly toggle toggle between display & standard views, or having full spotlight functionality.
I brought this up in another thread a while back, but I never did get a reply as to whether this inconsistent behavior between browser engines is a bug, or is something that simply cannot be reconciled. Maybe one of the devs can respond now?