Hi, having spent a lot of time on this now, reading/searching/ more trial/error....I hope someone can poiitn me in the right direction

My case:
I have installed the latest MC on docker in my QNAP , 33.0.61.
I have two zones/players, the default 'player' and my 'denon-avr'
From jriver webpage, selecting a track/album from a lribrary and I can play to both 'player' and ''denon-avr'
However, from an external streamer, I can play to jriver but it always plays on 'player' and I want it to play on 'denon-avr'
I cannot find any option to set a default audio-device/renderer
I tried setting up a zoneswitch but whatever I enter as a rule in 'engage', it always ends-up with the 'player'
The zoneswitch is now:
- Engage: [Media Type]=[Audio]
- Play in this zone: 'denon-avr'
- stop playing in... : 'player'
As I have not yet acquired jriver, this being a test for exactly the above, could it be that zoneswitch is not part of a non-licensed setup?