Hello all,
I've been a dedicated CD user for many years, but recently decided to try streaming some high-resolution audio files. Based on the many positive reviews, I chose JRiver software.
I did read through the instructions, and various related posts on various forums, etc. When I first tried to stream, it worked, but I quickly realized that it was downsampling, and that I had made the mistake of using 256dsd files, while my DAC supports direct ("native") streaming only up to 128. So I downloaded a few 128dsd files, but for some reason, there is no sound being produced.
I am using a 2023 Mac Mini M2 > Aqua La Scala Mk II DAC (through the appropriate USB port).
This is how the stream appears:

Further images of my current settings are below. Hopefully I am missing something simple, but any help would be greatly appreciated!