Thanks for pointing this out. Today I confirmed (on 4K Windows desktop monitor) that a 1 pixel displayed width for the left and right popup borders (FRAME::LeftBorder, FRAME::RightBordor) requires 2 pixels (i.e. 2 columns) in the artwork. To display 1 px instead of 2, I make the inner columns transparent, which I think is what you are saying. To match with 1 px borders along top and bottom edges, add just 1 px wide borders (1 row) to FRAME::TopBorder and FRAME::BottomBorder.
Above seems likely to prevent (or certainly complicate) 1 px displayed round corners. But maybe 1 px displayed round corners would work with FRAME::Data:BorderTopBottomLarger="1", where all the rounding is done in the corners of TopBorder and BottomBorder, while LeftBorder and RightBorder stop short of the rounded regions (I have not tried it).
Hello Markf2748,
recently I was searching the forum about 'transparency'. Came across your name in topics about 15 years old... I am just a rooky at skinning.
I dropped rounded corners on the Options frame because of transparency issues (not perfect and possible cross-platform issues).
The only border that works on EVERY resolution, 1920x1080 and 3840x2160) and (Windows) scale 100 - 400, and EVERY MC-skin size (50% and 400% on todays testing):
Start with 1 square with 1 px border. Add on the left side 2 transparent pixels and on the right side 2 transparent pixels.
I used this in XML:
<Entry Name="LeftBorder" Bitmap="Frame_LeftBorder.png" Columns="3,?-Flex" Rows="1,?-Flex,1" Cells="A2-VTile,B1-HTile,B2-Tile,C2-VTile" />
<Entry Name="RightBorder" Bitmap="Frame_RightBorder.png" Columns="?-Flex,3" Rows="1,?-Flex,1" Cells="A1-VTile,B1-Tile,B2-HTile,C1-VTile" />
<Entry Name="TopBorder" Bitmap="Frame_TopBorder.png" Rows="1,?-Flex" Cells="A1-VTile,B1-Tile" />
<Entry Name="BottomBorder" Bitmap="Frame_BottomBorder.png" Rows="?-Flex,1" Cells="A1-Tile,B1-VTile" />
There is something magical seeing MC size 50% on display 3840x2160px, scale 100... Barely readable of course (old eyes and glasses not fit for this task).
And seeing a perfect 1 pixel border on MC size 400%, UHD max scale...
I did try 2px borders. Issues with thickness of top and bottom borderlines.
I did not try BorderTopBottomLarger="1". It still has a RightBorder issue and this time 3 images involved.
And so we go on experimenting