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Author Topic: Cannot Reorganize Tabs  (Read 563 times)

Shasta Mike

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Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« on: March 06, 2025, 10:35:02 am »

For some reason, MC will not let me drag the tabs around to organize.   I checked and they are not locked.  The command to unlock is grayed out.  I tried shutting MC down and rebooting.   Seemed to happen after latest update but I have not tried this function in 2-3 months. 

See attachment little vid that shows the red circle not letting it move


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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2025, 10:50:52 am »

Thanks for the report!

It looks like something changed in 33.0.50. I'll investigate.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2025, 11:47:51 am »

This was when we added switching tabs on a delay. If you hold over where you want the tab to move for a little bit it should still move.

We'll address this and make it instant right away sometime in the future.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Shasta Mike

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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2025, 12:33:06 pm »

This was when we added switching tabs on a delay. If you hold over where you want the tab to move for a little bit it should still move.

We'll address this and make it instant right away sometime in the future.

  thank-you.  I did get it to move with some fiddling and patience.   


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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2025, 05:38:09 pm »

We'll address this and make it instant right away sometime in the future.

Yay!  I hated that delay and never got why it was implemented to begin with.


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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2025, 09:28:17 pm »

Yay!  I hated that delay and never got why it was implemented to begin with.

My understanding is, it was in response to this:
hi  8)
im not using tabs in mc, but i would like to. There is one thing keeping me from it.

When one uses several tabs beside each other, that is the point, right. And you drag one file to the player bar or outside mc to the desktop and you cross a tab for another view, the view will jump immediately to the that view, or freeze till that view is loaded, making dragging a file more or less useless (IMHO, of course).

It is useful when an tab opens when you want to drag a file to that view, but it would be sweet if it could wait a bit like for instance windows does in the file explorer. So when you move over a tab nothing happens, but when you hold on the tab after one second it will open that tab.

Hope it is clear what i try to say.


Different scenarios. Hopefully both can be accommodated :)

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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2025, 09:58:48 pm »

I never drag files from a list onto the player bar or outside of MC, so this behavior is not something I've ever encountered. That said, if that is an operation one does a lot of, then I can definitely see why the behavior gappie described would be highly annoying.

Maybe just exclude dropping files onto tabs (something else I also never do) instead so MC won't react to it on its way to the player bar? Is dragging files onto tabs something most users do a lot of?  If so, then I guess I use MC differently than most people.  I just set all tracks not played in the last four years to shuffle with a rating of at least 5 (I use the 10 star rating system), and let 'er rip. 

I have never bothered creating complex rules to generate highly specific curated playlists that apparently many others do. My primary goal is to ensure that songs I like a lot are not played multiple times over a short period - to the point where I grow to hate them.  Reminds me of the old days when radio stations would play a very popular song to death.  To this day, when Layla by Eric Clapton comes up in the rotation, initially I am very excited as the song starts - but that fades rapidly as the memory of it being drilled into my brain over and over again 50 years ago kills all the joy. Same can be said of many of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs (Stairway to Heaven comes to mind).  So my simple approach of making sure there is at least four years between my hearing the same song works well for me.

Dragging tabs to different positions is however something I do a fair amount of - so as you said, hopefully a solution can be found that works for all.


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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2025, 01:40:29 am »

Thank you Marko,
to clarify a bit. i listen to albums most of the time. i have a splitview like in attachment. the list above is playing now, and i regularly drag en drop an album from below to playing now. without the delay the tab where you move over would open immediately or when it had more info it could freeze mc for a while. the same i do when selecting and puling out some pictures and drop them in a map on my desktop or straight in a mail or message. the fact that you just go over a tab and it opens which was not the intention, was very frustrating, and (IMHO) counter intuitive (is that a word?).

but you are right, it would be nice to be able to move the tabs.



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Re: Cannot Reorganize Tabs
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2025, 03:53:04 pm »

Thank you Marko,
to clarify a bit. i listen to albums most of the time. i have a splitview like in attachment. the list above is playing now, and i regularly drag en drop an album from below to playing now. without the delay the tab where you move over would open immediately or when it had more info it could freeze mc for a while. the same i do when selecting and puling out some pictures and drop them in a map on my desktop or straight in a mail or message. the fact that you just go over a tab and it opens which was not the intention, was very frustrating, and (IMHO) counter intuitive (is that a word?).

but you are right, it would be nice to be able to move the tabs.

Could you be so kind as to share the skin?

Many thanks in advance.
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