I never drag files from a list onto the player bar or outside of MC, so this behavior is not something I've ever encountered. That said, if that is an operation one does a lot of, then I can definitely see why the behavior gappie described would be highly annoying.
Maybe just exclude dropping files onto tabs (something else I also never do) instead so MC won't react to it on its way to the player bar? Is dragging files onto tabs something most users do a lot of? If so, then I guess I use MC differently than most people. I just set all tracks not played in the last four years to shuffle with a rating of at least 5 (I use the 10 star rating system), and let 'er rip.
I have never bothered creating complex rules to generate highly specific curated playlists that apparently many others do. My primary goal is to ensure that songs I like a lot are not played multiple times over a short period - to the point where I grow to hate them. Reminds me of the old days when radio stations would play a very popular song to death. To this day, when Layla by Eric Clapton comes up in the rotation, initially I am very excited as the song starts - but that fades rapidly as the memory of it being drilled into my brain over and over again 50 years ago kills all the joy. Same can be said of many of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs (Stairway to Heaven comes to mind). So my simple approach of making sure there is at least four years between my hearing the same song works well for me.
Dragging tabs to different positions is however something I do a fair amount of - so as you said, hopefully a solution can be found that works for all.