Hi there,
I wanted to install Media Center on my Ubuntu/Debian laptop and downoaded the *.deb file. The Installation failed because of some missing dependecies. It needed some time and searching to find out which dependencies those were: I think it was libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37. I looked for them in the internet but was not able to install them.
Digging more into it, I found a thread here by Bob about this topic with step by step instructions of how to add media center manually. I tried this, but already had problems with the first step, the "su" command. I found out, that with my system it seems to be "sudo su". The next step didn't wotk too, because I do not have a group "sudoers".
I stopped here, because I realised that Media Center for Linux might not be a programme for the average Linux user, like I am. Who knows what next problems I would have to face, when I just want to install a programme. libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 seems to be discarded from the curent LTS Ubuntu system and the steps to manually install MC are too bumpy. I understand that Linux might be more complex than Windows or Mac. That's why I recently switched from Arch to a Ubntu/Debian based system. It is the most used Linux system and staying on the LTS version I hoped this would help. But then again I am not a coder.
Anyway. I appreciate that you guys offer a Linux version of Media Center and I certainly will come back to check if a more Grundgütigster friendly installation process is available.