Ok, here's some idea's from MJ that I got by using Dr Tag.
- 1 - I'd LOVE to see MJ implement a toolbar specifically for tagging. By having it as a seperate toolbar it would allow people to choose to show it or hide it at preferance. It would allow one click access to a lot of features which would really speed things up when tagging a lot of files. This could possibly even be added the the 'properties' toolbar.
- 2 - Choice of words we can have kept as lower case when doing 'title case' etc. Same with list of upper case words.
- 3 - To create rename scheme - simply check boxes for which properties to use, set order, specify seperator and get to see a preview below. Dont have to type in or remember which keywords to use.
- 4 - Can save naming schemes to create a list of ones we want to use.
- 5 - Ability to start song at a certain point in each track, like intro mode.
- 6 - Ability to see which id3 v1 or v2 tags are set and be able to edit these independantly or clear them individually and copy from one to the other. Right now v9 wont even read id3v1 tags for me
- 7 - Before apply changes to tags have an optional prompt coming up saying: This will Modify X files.
Apply Discard
maybe even give it an option like in IE where by you can: Never ask me this again - so it sets it in the options box and helps interactively encourage a user to set their options to get MJ how they want it.
- 8 - Generate id3 tag from filename - tries to guess format and auto fill in tag info easily and quickly. Makes it even quicker by giving it as a button option so it's one click to fill in a file's info. (possibly allow us to specify the formats that the files will most likely be in if: X segments so we could set what format 3 segments is, 4 segments is etc and the most likely seperator.)
- 9 - Playcount is editable so we can change it if we want to.
- 10 - Reverb, pre-mix etc can be added to each song.
- 11 - Ability to right click and swap id3 fields.
- 12 - I know you try to offer functionality without cluttering with too many buttons etc but a nice toolbar can make the world of difference to ease of use and functionality. Most programs offer a standard toolbar layout for most features with MJ being the rare exception. It only offers access to like playlists, libraries, options etc. No buttons for tools, doing tasks etc. A MS Office style whereby this could be customised to the users needs with which toolbars to show, which buttons to show etc would make MJ soo much faster and would still allow it to have that minimalistic feel for those that wanted it.