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Author Topic: XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album  (Read 14606 times)


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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2003, 03:11:40 pm »


I think I might have stumbled onto the problem.  I don't think the result of MC's export is really encoded as UTF-8.  When I changed it to UTF-16, it didn't have a problem - though I did have a problem with the XSLT.  Changing the encoding again to Windows-1252 let things work just fine.  I.e.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?>

Well...  I first pruned your HUGE file of all the fields that weren't needed for the transformation AlbumGroup.xsl.  This reduced the filesize from 108 MB to 30 MB.  The translation took a bit of time, but certianly less than ten or fifteen minutes.  Using this "pruned" XML file, the AlbumGroup XSLT takes less than a minute or two (I was a bit surprised at this!).  Unfortunately, the resulting HTML is 45 MB - and this seems to be the bottleneck.  IE doesn't deal well with such a large HTML document.

So I'm rethinking things a bit...  how to deal with such a large HTML?


P.S.  If you want the resultant html, I'll put it on my ftp server for you.


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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2003, 04:12:57 pm »

Thanks Scott,

I appreciate your help in this.  I will collect the resultant file from you for reference.




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Re:The Plug-in Formerly Known As AlbumViewer
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2003, 09:21:55 pm »

The script does not work in Firebird.  Any chacne this could be changed to use css visibility directly from within the code eg (pseudo code)onclick layer.visibility=visible, onclick layer.visibility=hidden? Or is there a standards compliant script which would work instead?




I just downloaded and started playing around a bit with FB...  so far it looks interesting, though I don't see much improvement over MyIE2.  I'll continue to play.

I noticed that FB doesn't like external references to javascript.  I moved the "ExpandCollapse.js" to an inline script and it works much better.  The only thing that doesn't work is the "toggle" - which is strange, because the Expand All and Collapse All work fine.



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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2003, 05:38:06 am »

Morning Scott,

I just tried to collect and send to yuor ftp site, but it now aying i need a user name and password and will not accept Anonymous logins.




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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2003, 10:52:42 am »

Sorry Graham...  I had forgotten to turn back on anonymous access.  It should work fine now.



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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2003, 12:41:02 pm »

Just getting it now.



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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2003, 06:18:59 pm »

I just downloaded and started playing around a bit with FB...  so far it looks interesting, though I don't see much improvement over MyIE2.  I'll continue to play. --Scott

Well it is only a version 0.7!!  The main advantage is that it uses Gecko rather than MSHTML meaning true complete CSS 1 support (and almost full CSS2 support) and full PNG support (neither of which IE supports)...  I think the main problem Java Script wise is it use the new standards compliant ECMA script which is different to both JScript and JavaScript...but it is a standard so eventually all browsers should be moving to...

Any chance of posting the new version??  Cheers...

"It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #57 on: October 19, 2003, 08:02:04 pm »


The latest XSLT is available at  I notice that the toggle hidden balks because it doesn't like the element reference.  The error is:
Error: IDAKQ0ZB is not defined
, where IDAKQ0ZB happens to be the id of the <div> that's being toggled.  I'd guess maybe theres a type problem - and it's interesting to note that the Expand/CollapseAll function uses a different method to get to change the <div>'s style attribute.

I think the solution will end up being quite trivial.

But I'm starting to rethink this whole html thing - for large libraries anyway.  For this to work well, there really needs to be a way to generate smaller chunks of html.   Any ideas?



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Re:XAlbum - XMLtoHTML Conversion via XSLT Grouped by Album
« Reply #58 on: October 19, 2003, 08:05:29 pm »

Well it is only a version 0.7!!  The main advantage is that it uses Gecko rather than MSHTML meaning true complete CSS 1 support (and almost full CSS2 support) and full PNG support (neither of which IE supports).

Now that I've added some of the extensions, things are starting to look nicer, indeed!  Still not better than MyIE2 (in the way of interface), but it might be refreshing to ditch IE.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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