lol - wahoo thanks.
Except I dont think you quite got what I mean.
My keyboard does have 'next', 'last' etc buttons for controlling the songs and I use them (I have the old MS Natural Keyboard - great hardware!! - one thing MS did VERY right).
I dont want to 'go back' to the previous song - I just want the pop-up to 'refer' to the previous song.
Here's an example of what usually happens:
I listen to music while I work and am playing a full album. Each time a song changes the pop-up comes and tells me the name of the new song and gives me an option to rate it.
I haven't heard the song yet so I cant rate it at that point.
The pop-up then opens again when the next song starts and I'm like: aah - songs finished - it was like a 3 or a 4 - I need to rate it.
Problem is though that the songs just finished and it's playing the next song - I could go back a song, rate it, then come back to this song but that's a PAIN in the ass and really ruins the enjoyment of listening to the music.
I just want to be able to have the pop-up refer to the previous song rather than the current one so I can rate the previous song that just finished playing.
Did that explain it better?
I'd imagine for most people it would make more sense to rate the song they just heard rather than the song they haven't heard yet.
Let me know if I'm chatting garbage

oh yeah - and if u make a GUI for skin chosing - can u do a 'random skin on new song' feature - Winamp 2 used to have it so I got a random skin every time it loaded and I loved it - made winamp always a pleasant surprise to see what it was going to be.