Windows > Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins

MC Messenger Popup Plugin

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SBrandsborg aka Mouseman:
hi guys,
I need some comments on this plugin im making...
The idea is that when MC is chanceing to the next song on the playlist it will popup like MSN messenger, showing you the coverart, artist and title...

What do you think???

That looks awesome! I will definitely be in line to download it when you release it.

It's stuff like this that's going to help MC shine. It's really the reason why Winamp is doing so well, IMO. They opened it up to outside developers and let the community do their thing. Now look at it.

In the future, you may want to post smaller screenshots, or just post a link to it. The screenshot you just posted was huge! I made it a link for you...

Looks great!!

Anyway to add:

Track #
Bit rate?

Wasn't sure if it had the Artist and Album...or if it was the artist and track..


Would be great to have such a plugin.

I don't have any ideas at the moment --- except: make it as much configurable as possible (what fields to show, where to show, bla bla bla)   ;)

Just a very good idea !!

Im waiting to download this !!


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