Windows > Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins

MC Messenger Popup Plugin

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Fantastic!  I'd want it to be only one or two lines of info though:

Artist - Album

So make it configurable and you'll have yourself a winner.

Woah - NICE job.

If you could make it so it displayed mini html pages so we could create custom templates like track info pages it'd be INCREDIBLE.

Just thought of that cause I personally wouldn't want to see the cover art.

I like the info WMP shows - Artist, Album, Name - Track Length etc :)

I personally like small discrete informative things, Cover art isn't a biggie for me - for others it would be thou.

Either way - template pages or not though - NICE IDEA and GOOD JOB!! :)

I'd like to make a pitch for XML-esque configurability.  It'd be awesome if the plugin produced an XML object that could be transformed with a user-specific XSLT (i.e. totally configurable!) to present just the desired data.

Of course, I've been on an XML kick for the last six months, so maybe I'm starting to see XML solutions where non exist.  But it sounds cool to me.

XML and its varied related technologies give the end-user a *ton* of flexibility.  As an example, the program FeedDemon ( lets the end-user create custom XSLT to present the RSS feed in any manner desired.  Sure, RSS is XML to begin with....  but the example remains.


Looks awesome...
Hopefully we can configure where we want it to appear (lower right, lower left, upper right, etc)

SBrandsborg aka Mouseman:
Thanks for all the feedback and comments, i will try to make all you wises come true, hehe if i can :)... i think will (soon) have a alpha version ready...

so watch for it  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)


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