KingSparta: The first problem is that the Registered value contains "Test", not "Registered". Leave in some debugging code?
Yes And No.
Some systems wil not allow the save of info to the registry, not sure why.
so what i did s first write to the registry "Test" then read it. if test is there then we can write to the registry.
not sure why yours would stills say "Test" i will look at that. something may have happened when you first ran the program.
The second problem is that when your finder finds art, most of the time it isn't putting it in the cover art folder I have set under File Naming & Location | Track Images Location. Inexplicably, -sometimes- it does, but it's rare.
what is the path?
make sure it has a slash
mine saves to the mc9 default cover art folder using
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\Data\Cover Art\
there was a bug in MC9 where if you played with the path it would not add the "\" and everything would go into the \Data\ folder and not the \Data\Cover Art\ Folder.
There's also this weird thing where it'll download the images as a GIF on one session and a JPG on another (identical search config). I don't even know what to make of that.
well sometimes the cover art is found made as a GIF, Most is JPG but not all. normaly the smaller ones are gif.
on some sources there is 3 sizes, gif, med jpg, large jpg it will try to find them all.
A third issue that I haven't previously mentioned is that if your cover art plugin (possibly the others--I only use the cover art one) is switched away from while it's working, it crashes Media Center!
I have not seen that error, And It May Or Maynot be Mine. MC9 should not crash if you move out of a active plug-in it should trap it and move on.
Incidentally, I only get setup for 3 sites with 0.0.9. Did you say you expanded it to 4?
yes, you can't see the other, but it is a sister of the orginal but not .com but .de and it will have some of the "Non-Us" Art