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Author Topic: Basic skinning questions  (Read 4316 times)


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Basic skinning questions
« on: September 07, 2003, 08:54:07 am »


I am interested in starting to learn how to skin, but I am not sure where to begin.  What do I need to create a skin?  There is a "skinning engine" that I need, is that correct?  Where do I get it?  

Is the artwork done in Photoshop, or in the skinning engine itself?  

I have taken a look at some of the skin folders and I think I could get started on my own, I just need a little direction as to what apps I need....


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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 09:37:48 am »

What do I need to create a skin? There is a "skinning engine" that I need, is that correct? Where do I get it? Is the artwork done in Photoshop, or in the skinning engine itself?

Nice to see that there are more people who would like to make skins ;)

The so called "skinning engine" is a part of MC that draws the GUI of the program... only JRiver should touch that... ;D

What you need to build a skin is Photoshop (or another program to edit images, but it should support layers (makes it much more easy...)) and something to edit the "main.xml". You can just use the Windows "Notepad" for that or another editor. I use "SciTE" because of it's syntax check... You can download it for free here.

JRiver's description for skinning ("MEGAmorphis SDK") can be found here. It's not up to date in all parts, but you can find out the rest by taking a look at other skins... and asking other skinners ;)

Good Luck!


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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 06:32:29 pm »

Thanks for the reply.  

So apparently you need to be really adept at Photoshop....of course, this is to be expected, but my Photoshop skills are weak at best.  I tried a little work on one of the Rating bitmaps that came with the Brushed Metal skin to test. Not that anything's wrong with the Brushed Metal, I just needed something to practice on. It's tough working on something that small.  It's frustrating to say the least. Oh well, I will keep trying, but I guess I've gotta get really good at Photoshop before really trying this.

For example, I was trying to set the song rating bitmap up so that it looked like the stars on the iPod. It was absolutely impossible to get a good-looking star on something that small, plus I couldn't get the 3 icons lined up right. I guess I'm really showing my Photoshop ignorance  :-[

Guess I'll have to hold out hope that that "Skinning 101" class that was discussed awhile ago becomes a reality.  

Does anyone know of a place on the web where I could learn a little about Photoshop?  I have some books and they're OK, but if there is anything else you could suggest, I would appreciate it...

Thanks for all the help.
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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2003, 01:37:52 am »

Hi crowfan,

My photoshop skills are pretty limited too but I am getting there in terms of skinning.  I found the best way was to take a skin someone had already done and then start editing it and adding your own graphics.  This way you are not starting from scratch but will always have the framework of MC to work in and then you can change a single element at a time.  Do a google search for Photoshop tutorials.  There are some really good sites out there with lots of tips on them.

As for your spacing issue I find the best way to do it is to decide on a size first, draw the first element, then increase the canvas size so the shape is doubled, copy the original element over, edit it, increase the canvas again and do the same.  MC can automatically work out the spacing based on the Number of Images setting in the XML file so as long as you have spaced the images evenly and they all the same size you will have no problems.

If you have any problems just post in here and someone will help.  Knickelfarz is our resident expert and he should be able to help you with anything.  He has certainly helped me.  Look out for my Luna skin in the near future...hopefully! ;D

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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2003, 07:57:45 am »

For example, I was trying to set the song rating bitmap up so that it looked like the stars on the iPod. It was absolutely impossible to get a good-looking star on something that small, plus I couldn't get the 3 icons lined up right. I guess I'm really showing my Photoshop ignorance  :-[

Were you zoomed in? I find that often times during skinning I find myself working at the individual pixel level. And I've never even created my own skin from scratch!


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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2003, 07:46:16 pm »


Thanks for the advice.  I found TONS of links to Photshop tutorials over at, and they were a great help.  I've gotten a better idea of how stuff works in Photoshop now, I just need to get creative in applying it all...


Yeah, I was zoomed in as far as I could go, but the star drawing tool was coming out funky at such low levels (each star I drew was a different shape, even though it was the same tool, because I was at such a close zoom). With a little work I was able to finally get it right. I'd post a screenshot if I could figure out how to do it in the forum here  ?  wow, I'm full of newbie questions, aren't I?

**Edit:  Nevermind, I find that you need a place to actually host the pic in order to include it, and I have no such place**

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2003, 01:28:32 pm »

I'd post a screenshot if I could figure out how to do it in the forum here    wow, I'm full of newbie questions, aren't I?

**Edit:  Nevermind, I find that you need a place to actually host the pic in order to include it, and I have no such place**

Here's a link to a free and very user friendly site for hosting your images.  It walks you through the process of posting your pictures on websites.  Don't hesitate to ask questions - we've all been newbies.


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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2003, 03:38:33 pm »


Thanks for that link, it's fantastic.  It's funny, because I'm not really a newbie as far as computer/internet stuff is concerned (I am a technical writer by trade), yet in the world of graphics and skinning, I am a complete newbie!  Of course, the question you answered for me has nothing to do with graphics, that was just plain ignorance on my part    ;D

Anyway, thanks to Shelley, I have a pic of my first steps into skinning. I thought it would be cool to make the Brushed Metal skin have rating pics that matched the iPod.  It's not much but it's my first shot...

Thanks again

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Re: Basic skinning questions
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2003, 04:29:13 pm »


I'm pleased that you like that site - it's the best one that I've found for that purpose.  When it comes to skinning, I'm a complete newbie.  I've had some experience with PhotoShop in regards to photo editing.  I took a 2 day class in it a couple of months ago, because even after playing with it for months, I found that I was less than efficient.  The class really helped, but I've got a long way to go to feel comfortable.

I'll look forward to seeing your future skins!

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