it'd be GREAT to have you working with me Rhino

You are a GREAT programmer - my biggest problem to date is that for me - the main language I program in is PHP so I cant just write a dedicated program to deal with it all. - It's all done via webpage which is going to be great for the browsing etc - but is a pain in the processing stage.
That program would be a BIG help - you could have a look at imagemagick if you want - it's perfect for doing the image manipulations - they have a website. you were to make a program - it'd have to be able to cope with being passed a LOT of images and it'd have to be able to be called via the command line
The advantage of imagemagick - is that I can also use it on the server for the website for when users upload their images to resize them at that point.
Imagemagick with the command calls actually did work fine on my system though for 8000+ images - resized them all perfectly.
What would be GREAT - is if you could do a plugin that would allow information to come from MC without having to first extract the db as a .XML and then process it - so we could just constantly query MC etc.
I'm not really sure how I want to do this - I have a LOT of holliday photo's as I'm sure everyone will start having once they've been collecting them for a few years.
MC provides a great way to manage and tag them but the problem is how to then get this information into a mySQL db so it can be queried via a website and the photo's published to a website.
If MC could do it it'd be great as the information could be kept syncronised - otherwise it's going to have to just be a case of getting whatever inforamation is in MC, and making that the starting point - from there the website information and tagging just builds up on that.
What're your ideas on how to do it etc?
It'd be nice to have another view point.
I have a LOT of images that I need to organise properly and get published.