I'm building an automation plug-in for remotely controlling MC via sockets. The only way I can control zone volume levels independently is via DSP Studio's preamp output; however, the current MJMixer setup does not work with the "current" zone - only zone 1.
I would like to be able to control the zone's entire eq; however, I'll take access to just the preamp (band0) being tied to the currently active zone in the MixerAutomation.
Plus, the window title of the DSP does not reflect the actual zone name. In MC, it might be Living Room - but the DSP title says: (zone 2). If that corresponded, maybe I could build a workaround via Window Messages.
Is this in the works at all? Am I missing something (quite possible)? Am I the only one.
Also, is there any way to expose the PeakLevel to the MixerAutomation - so that can be read and acted on?