Yeah, let me try and list out my steps a bit better
1. Create new .exe application
2. Create all UI functionality, substituting MJ calls with variables.
3. When you have dones AS MUCH as possible getting the UI to work, create a new OCX control
4. Copy and paste all your form controls, then all your code from the EXE to the OCX. Note that Me. has to be changed to UserControl. and your OnFormLoad becomes uhm... UserControl_Initialize. Also note that on your Resize event, you have to check for scalewidth & scaleheight to not be 0. For some reason, they are valued at 0 sometimes.
5. Add MJ code.
When you recieve an error, the MJ will gray out your OCX. Put in some debugging code to at least give you a quick message box with info in it, but if you get the EXE working good, there shouldnt be all that much trouble
here is a sample resize event block - check for 0's!!!:
If UserControl.ScaleWidth > 0 And UserControl.ScaleHeight > 0 Then
Text1.Width = UserControl.ScaleWidth - 2300
ProgressBar1.Top = UserControl.Height - ProgressBar1.Height
ProgressBar1.Width = UserControl.Width - lblStatus.Width
lblStatus.Left = UserControl.ScaleWidth - lblStatus.Width
lblStatus.Top = UserControl.Height - ProgressBar1.Height
WebBrowser1.Width = UserControl.Width
WebBrowser1.Height = UserControl.Height - (Toolbar1.Height |PLS| ProgressBar1.Height)
End If
another interesting thing... when poping up a new form, use vbModal:
Configure.Show vbModal, Me