Here is a screenshot of an adaptive skin with the Windows XP Blue theme:

Here's the link the the MC plugins page:'s what's new since v1.1.0.3:
1) Changed LogThumbnail to Thumbnail in logging section
2) Changed ForcePath to act as if it points ot the base skin directory and not the actual skin directory
3) Added some checks to make sure config/background file exists, etc.
4) No longer have to supply a background image. Can specify BackgroundWidth/BackgroundHeight in Config.INI to define your area.
5) Added a Rectangle object which can have rounded edges and different line styles.
6) Added a line object.
7) Added AdaptiveRectangle skin to show how to use Rectangles/Lines.
8) Added inclusion list, IncludeExtensions. If specified and the file extension is not in the list then the file is not popped up.
9) 16x16 thumbnail image is much nicer
10) Added FTP capability, check out Config.INI for an example.
11) Changed right-click to have a send-to facility that shows file/clipboard and FTP sites
12) Removed MFC from setup to decrease size
From now on the setup program will always overwrite the supplied skins, so take a copy of the directory containing the skin you want to modify and make you changes there.