MainLobby<-->Girder<-->MJ9 with a hook to a VFD
The VBS scripts do indeed create a playlist for every album as well as dynamically created mainlobby screens by artist/album. Tweaking these very slick scripts by a more talented person than I, I altered the ML screen creation scripts to send command lines to MJ to add the selected album to the playlist. I think your solution is more elegant but may be beyond my girder skills at this point :-/
Anyway, what you're doing sounds very interesting and somewhat similiar to what I'm attempting eg
1) using MJ girder scripts for basic functionality,
2&3) using ML for album selection based on the VBS script output,
4) DVDSpy to get info, and
5) Using the DVDSpy info, MJ's visualization object (for looks), and general ML control buttons for a ML playback screen on the TV.
The ML screen generation and playlist scripts were made by jotter with a screen shot here: scripts (needs modification for APE and a better interface for MJ9) can be found here (about half way down: Current challenge is step 5. My solution to display DVDSpy data is via OSD overlaying a ML screen with playback controls (volume, get more albums to play, stop, etc). Somewhat brute force as I don't like having girder's OSD controlling some of the display and ML the rest of the display. I need to purposely deactivate the OSD when I leave the ML screen otherwise the info remains. Still needs work.
If you want a set of the modified scripts, let me know. I'll email them to you. I think I need to learn about numbuilder and TREEPATH. News to me.