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Author Topic: Could some kind soul please enlighten me?  (Read 1546 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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Could some kind soul please enlighten me?
« on: November 06, 2003, 10:05:11 pm »

I've been looking at the Megamorphis SDK and I'm really confused about what NumberImages, Margins, and DrawMode do.

I know what NumberImages does in terms of mini-me skins. It provides you with a way to specify a different look for when the button is pressed, or the mouse is hovering over it, etc.

But in MEGA-ME, it's being used on things like borders. Why?

I think I understand what Margins does, (designates different sections of a bitmap) but I don't understand why you'd ever want to do it, and what it gains you.

And DrawMode... forget it. I'm totally lost. It appears that it's only used in conjunction with Margins, but Margins is also used seperately.

So why would you divide an image up into sections, and then not do anything with those sections?

And why would you want to stretch or tile just a section of a bitmap, and not the whole thing?

Hmmm.... Ok... scratch most of that. I just figured it out. It's so you can tell MC to stretch the middle of a border, without skewing the image on the ends, where it'll need to interface with another border. If the stretch was uniform across the entire bitmap, then it wouldn't look right. Got it. I'll leave all of my questions up there along with this answer in case anybody else was confused.

But I still don't get  why you'd specify margins on a bitmap, without also having DrawMode being defined. For instance, in the BlueSteel skin, there's this entry (in the Toolbars section):

<Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="Statusbar_Display.bmp" NumberImages="1" TransColor="FF00FF" Margins="12,4,22,3" TextColor="16284F" />

What does specifying the Margins accomplish in this instance? Or is it just left over information from a copy/paste that should have been removed?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re:Could some kind soul please enlighten me?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 05:52:00 am »

I think the margins attribute is used kind of like the absolut positioning attribute in CSS.  It allows you to specify specifically where an image is placed.  |Number of images is the same as mini me I think.  I got totally confused with draw mode too...  I think you have worked it out pretty much but it is still bloody confusing ;D

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