Is it going to work with Mini-Me skins too?
Right now, it's only Mega-ME. I've thought about mini-me support, and it would be difficult, since mini-me's aren't as structured as MEGA-ME is. For instance, you can have an unlimited number of window or button objects. So the interface would need to be a lot different and more dynamic than it is right now. It's not impossible, but it would require a lot of work. And this program was only intended to be a practice program for something else I want to write. We'll see, though.
It'd be GREAT if on the left we could get a put together of how all the code is going to look (like basically create an artificial MC with our skin on it) so we could see how it's all piecing together.
I thought about this, too... but it would require me to pretty much re-create Megamorphis all on my own and from scratch. So it's probably not going to happen, unless the JRiver guys wanted to share some code with me...

Looks like a big project - good luck! 
It's turning out to be much bigger than I originally anticipated... but it's getting easier as I learn more. Right now I have to fight the urge to go back and rewrite old sections when I learn how to do the same thing in a better way.