Tried installing new mini-me skins from the skin manager as well as a straight dl without the program running. No change in either case.
Did discover that MC will enter mini-me mode under other profiles on this machine! Obviously, there is a problem with a registry setting, user setting, or process that is running under my profile.
I will save desktop items and some other things from this profile, delete it, then re-create it and hope that solves the issue. It is obviously not with the MC exe.
My apologies for not investigating this more deeply than I should (could) have before assuming there was a problem in later builds. Of course, I didn't notice a problem until I updated from .291 so that's what I ran with. I have not installed anything or changed any settings that I am aware of although any number of under the hood processes might have done so.
Thanks to all who provided feedback. MC rocks and so do (most of
) the people in this community.