OK- I deleted the jmd files in both Media Jukebox 8 and Media Center. That got me into Media Center. Thanks for that.
I searched for media files and waited until it went through both my hard drives. There are a lot of music files that I know are in different folders that didn't get imported into the media library. Short of manually importing each one from wherever they may be, is there any way to make sure they all get imported?
Also, when I click on the Media Center 9.1 icon on my desktop, it goes through the setup and installation process before Media Center starts. There's a box I can check during setup that will let me create a shortcut, but that screen flashes off so fast I can't put an x into the little box. I've tried right-clicking the icon and doing "Create Shortcut Here," but when I click on that, the setup starts again. I looked in the J River Media Center folder in My Computer, but there's nothing labeled as a shortcut. Can you help me place an icon on my desktop that will start Media Center without going through the setup and installation process?