I am a big fan of ID3V1 tags, that are the only ones that I use in MP3 files, as they are the only ones to be compatible with portable players. In order to use ID3V1 tags efficiently, I have defined a personal mapping of the 128 byte values in the "Genre" field to the genres of my interest. I have found that there are some genres, such as "Primus" or "Porn Groove", that I will never listen to, so I can use their byte value to fit my purposede of detaild music classification.
I would like to see a customized ID3V1 mapping feature implemented in Media Center. Of course, the mapping can be customized for each library.
Grapically, in the User Interface, genres belonging to a standard ID3V1 tag could be highlighted with a different font/color (user-definable) and an hotkey (and/or icon) would quiclky switch between standard mapping and custom mapping. Genres that do not fit the user defined mapping would be stored only in the Media Center database but not in the ID3V1 genre field, where a "null" value would be written instead (not 0, that corresponds to "Blues"). Genres that are mapped to the user's custom mapping, in additioin to the different font/color, would be higlighed with a small sign in the corner of the displayed "Genre" field.