You need to make the album artist (auto) and the album the same for all the CD's if you want MC to treat them as one album.
This is the thing i am wondering about...
What happens in the case when album artist is different for each CD of a multiple CD album ?
i must mention my album naming convention is to keep album name the same and append # of CDs it has ( only if there are multiple CDs incld)
eg. <album name>-(#CD ) rather than <album-name>-(CD 1/2) etc.
Since i percieve an album name by its physical package, i got one package of multiple CDs.
But the way Album Thumbnails are set up curently there is a dependency on Artist Album in addition to Album Name.
multipe cd album by the same album artist = 1 thumbnail
multiple cd album by multiple album artists = (# of album artist thumbnails)
Does it make any sense to remove the album artist dependency for album thumbnails ?
dunno... if one wants to keep diff album art for each album artist on the same album, but i find this misleading wrt to album count.
THis might change if JRiver decides to allow multiple coverart for each album.
Anyway i just wanted an album count, since i have a few multi-CD albums with different album artists for each CD on them. i set up a view scheme with just an Album column only and read the count of the pane.