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Author Topic: Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics  (Read 2971 times)


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Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« on: December 11, 2003, 12:00:12 pm »

First, thaks for your tools, they are great!

I think there is a bug in Lyrics Finder. When I search for lyrics, there are no results for those that are very short (i.e. have only one row). I just tested it with songs like "Beastie Boys - Funky Boss" or "Beastie Boys - Pow". (The lyrics are on, you can find them manually.)


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2003, 12:43:28 pm »

this is true The Lyrics Finder Will Not Save Or Get Any Lyrics That Is Less Than 150 Chrs (Including Artist Name And Song Name) It is not a bug.

And prob not worth listening to if for 5 mins the only thing they say is "Pow, Pow, Pow"

Just my 2 Cents

if you try it now you will get

Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!
Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!, Pow!
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2003, 02:04:36 pm »

Ok, in this case  I agree; "Pow" isn't very important. But there are some important quotes with less, then 150 Chrs, I think. Why not implement this function? What is the problem with short lyrics?

Another suggestion from me is to make a list of NOT found lyrics after the batch (like " Could not find" in the Cover Art Finder). And then, for this not found titles it would be good to make it possible to change the artist/album/title fields, because often there are some differences between your lyricssite and the names of the users files (i.e. additions like (live) or (instrumental)). Or / And a "cleaning" function would help in this case (like in Cover Art Finder, again).

Besides that it's a very usefull tool, thanks again.


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2003, 02:36:00 pm »

I don't see it changing.
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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2003, 05:53:25 pm »

One reason I'd like it to accept and retrieve short lyrics is for instrumentals. I usually put (Instrumental) in the lyrics tag for these, and when I download lyrics with your plugin, it just returns blank. Then it becomes confusing as to which are actually instrumentals, and which songs lyric finder just couldn't find lyrics for.

It won't let you submit short lyrics either.

I can sort of understand the limit, but it's kind of a less than ideal way to insure that complete lyrics are submitted. There are a lot of songs out there that just honestly have short lyrics, and 150 characters seems like an odd arbitrary limit to me.


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2003, 06:06:37 pm »

So What Should The Limit Or How Would You Know That Users Did Not Just Enter

"No Lyrics For This File"

Or Something Like That And Then When That Is Submited What Then?

There Must Be A Limit Of Some Sort

How Would You Do It?
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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2003, 09:33:56 pm »

Why does there have to be a limit?

I would either...

A. Not bother with any limits


B. Quickly give all submitted lyrics a once over to make sure there really is something there.

Here's my reasoning... it's obvious that you want your database to be complete. If you didn't, then you wouldn't have implemented this limit in the first place, since you rightfully don't want the database being filled with garbage. However, imposing an arbitrary minimum character limit is flawed for two reasons.

1. It doesn't allow for valid lyrics that just happen to be short.

2. There's nothing stopping anybody from just submitting a whole bunch of garbage, thus slipping past the limitation anyway.

Realistically, you'll never be able to maintain a perfect lyrics database, unless you're willing to personally verify every song's lyrics. I doubt any one person has the time to do that. But considering that the bulk of the task is done, is it maybe possible to just quickly glance at the submitted lyrics to be sure they're at least plausible? Either that or just let anything pass and depend on the users to alert you to bogus entries. Or keep the limit as it is. It's your database and plugin. I'm not knocking how you have it set up, because it's just awesome. The character limit just seems to.. well... limit it to more lengthy songs. The shorter lyric sets get left out together.


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2003, 01:26:34 am »

I don't see it changing.
Ohh... I accept it, it's your choice. I just try to help you to make your tools better, I thought you would like to hear some suggestions.
What Doof is writing is exactly what I thought (I see the pros and contras). I also put "Instrumental" or similar on tracks with no lyrics, just to recognize, if my database is complete. With your tool, till now, I have to do it manually, but you could allow maybe also to post and get such "lyrics". Then you will have a really complete song database.
I think the users will notify wrong lyrics.


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2003, 05:46:02 am »

2. There's nothing stopping anybody from just submitting a whole bunch of garbage, thus slipping past the limitation anyway.

well this is not true, there is about 20 checks in the program to remove junk.

B. Quickly give all submitted lyrics a once over to make sure there really is something there.

this would require work


Here is a deal for you:

1. seek out and fine all lyrics for music that is less than 150 chrs long, Counting The Artist Name And Song Name.
2. then let me know when your done.

I will personal Review Each One Of Them
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2003, 08:35:38 am »

I fail to see what that would accomplish.

But let me ask you something...

What do you gain with the limit?


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Re:Lyrics Finder doesn't find very short lyrics
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2003, 03:12:56 pm »

I fail to see what that would accomplish.
Nothing Just trying to give you something to do, besides i don;t think you can find many. and if you could i am sure you could just fill it in like

But let me ask you something...

What do you gain with the limit?

As i said i can cut out some Garbage as i said like

Lyrics Field: "No Lyrics For This File"

I could cut it back to lets say 75 chrs

How would someone check for garbage like that?

Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA
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