Marko, how do you get that Import list??
I'm dying for something like that 
Here ya go, a lot easier to do than to type, I can assure you.....
1. Create a playlist group called Import List.
2. Add the smartlists below to this new group. (Number them to keep them in order)
1. Past 24 Hours --> [date imported]=<=1440
2. Past 7 Days --> [date imported]=<=10080
3. Past 4 Weeks --> [Date Imported]=<=40320
4. Past 8 weeks --> [Date Imported]=<=80640
(I played around with adding ~sort=[Date Imported]-d but is irrelevant when in panes view)
3. Right click Media Library, create new empty view scheme, call it "Recently Imported"
4. Now make children for this view scheme, one for audio, image and video. (using the media type rule in each VS setup). Setup panes and columns most suited to the common tasks you perform on each media type after importing. Choose whatever you need, but the 1st column must be the playlist group "Import List"
That's the basics. Obviously, you set up the sort rules and columns etc. to suit the way you work. Also, selecting the parent, recently imported, will list all media types imported in the last 8 weeks, so if you like, you could set panes and columns for those too. If you want different timescales, just use a calculator, and the knowledge that 1440=24 hours and adjust accordingly.
This is a great "working" viewscheme, imho