I have not used Media Player 8 for a while because the last time, all I wanted to do was play a music CD I was given and I was refused access because I did not know the artist,etc.
Today, I selected the icon on my desktop and Media Player message said that my trial period is over. Well, I paid for a registration and I have that information before me. I purchased the Player on November 3, 2003. My Registration Code is Bxxxx-4xxx-Oxxxx-Gxxxx-Sxxxx-Dxxxx. That's all I was given, and I know my name and registration info was in the player if you selected help or whatever it was.
Can you help me with this problem??
The only strange thing on this e-mail I have is it says "Your Installation Key, good for two weeks, is attached to this message??? I am totally lost.
Please send help.
Bubbathames ?