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Author Topic: Directory Rules  (Read 1191 times)


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Directory Rules
« on: December 18, 2003, 02:32:28 pm »

I'm not sure that there is a way to do this in 9, but would really like it in 10.

I have about 5000 songs in the DB.  1000 or so are "singles" rest have several songs per artist.  I have data on my hard drive and Archos Recorder.

I'm looking for a good method to store my songs such that I can use Artists in the directory structure ie. music/Cake/Song EXCEPT for the 1000 or so singles - it makes no sense to have them.

I can isolate the songs with multiple artists using the schema of duplicates, and even tag all my singles or multi-files.  

Ideally I could set up a field that duplicated the artist field only for songs I want in the directory heiarchy and leave the singles in special directory.

can't figure out a clean way to do this MC-9.  any suggestions?

thx! ::)


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Re:Directory Rules
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2003, 03:09:43 pm »

I add all my single tracks to the album "Single Tracks". This way, if you use an artist directory in your structure, this will put the files into ..\Multiple Artists\Single Tracks\


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Re:Directory Rules
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2003, 04:26:25 pm »

Do you actually change the Artist to "Single"?  How ellse can you accomplish that?


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Re:Directory Rules
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2003, 01:38:20 am »

MC will automatically use the "abum artist (auto)" field of (multiple Artists) for albums that have multiple artists. This is a really cool thing that works very well. Keep the artist tags filled in correctly, add them all to the same 'make-believe' album and MC takes care of the rest. As far as MC is concerned, I have an album called "Single Tracks" with over 500 tracks on it!!

The only thing to remember is that when doing your rename from properties, use the [album artist (auto)], not the [artist] field in the naming string. What I do for regular albums, is to use the Artist - Album for my directory name, then track number - name for the file name. For multi artist albums, I add the artist into the filename. If you used this method, you would have a directory called (multiple artists) and inside that would be a directory for each of your multi-artist albums, and inside each of those, you would have the files. Is that what you're after? The rename files from properties string would be...
Directory Naming....
[album artist (auto)]\[album]
File naming....
[track #] - [artist] - [name]



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Re:Directory Rules
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2003, 04:50:30 am »

I do the same sort of thing.

I have all my random songs (singles) in an album called: 'Random Songs' and use this to take my singles out of the main list.

The other option is to put ALL your singles into a playlist then set the View Scheme up to EXCLUDE all files in that playlist.
You could make the playlist a smartlist so it automatically included all files in a specific directory.

Or I have a pane called: 'location' with it's root set to the root of all my music - it then shows the folders under it:

Full Albums

And I can use that as a filter directly in the panes to chose which files I want to include.


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Re:Directory Rules
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2003, 09:58:32 am »

These are Great suggestions!  I think the Multiple Artists approach may have a couple of issues - perhaps I'm wrong.

1. I have to "lose" the Album field in all my "singles"
2. For my "real" mixed CDs I will have all of the songs in a single dir called "Multiple Artists".
3. If I have an artist that is both on a multiple artist Album and a regular Album, the artist will get split up - is that right?

What exactly is the logic of the "abum artist (auto)"  field?

At this point i'm knitpicking!  thanks again for you help - this is pretty much what i want.
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