I like the new way much better...Edit view scheme (and Customize view for columns) is easier, faster, all in one place and more organized (straight forward). The old method was cumbersome (always right clicking...a big pain).
I could not agree with you more. There is absolutely no way I want to lose the new view scheme setup dialogue. No Way.
Now and again though, I could looking at any given VS and wish I could see, say, the comment field, just to check/look for something, then remove the comment field once done with it.
For me, this is where the right click menu comes into it's own. It makes it so quick and simple. Without it, I find one of two things happen here....
1. The process of adding the pane, then removing it when done would take longer than actually checking the info I want, so, "yeah, it would have been nice to know, but I'm not that bothered" so I don't bother, but as I move away from it,
it hit's me that I really miss that right click menu2. The process of adding the pane, then removing it when done would take longer than actually checking the info I want, but, "I really need to know, so better launch that dialogue" All the way through the process, right up to OK'ing the removal of the pane,
it hit's me that I really miss that right click menuMy point is, that the VS dialogue is a great tool for setting up the view scheme in the first place. We set view schemes that we use most commonly, but never in a month of sundays could you set one for absolutely every occasion. Why build a view scheme you'd maybe only use once in 6 months?
That right click menu was a great tool for tweaking, temporarily or otherwise, an existing view scheme. That's why I miss it. To that end, does anyone see a problem with the proposal below (if it's even possible?)
Task - Create new View Scheme ---> View Scheme dialogue is the only path to do this
Task - Modify View Scheme ---> right click pane headers, have previous options + 1 to open the dialogue if preferred. Right click view scheme in the tree, "Edit" always pops the dialogue box.
Last time, OK....
I'm not proposing an either/or scenario here, I want both. Yup, like most guys, I not only want to have my cake, but I want to eat it too

I'm willing to bet that the peeps who voted "No" did so in the belief that this was an either/or debate. Which would bounce their votes to one of the other options, and, not that I'm biased or anything, I reckon they'd be yes!!
