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Author Topic: Media Center 10.0.24 beta available  (Read 12084 times)


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #50 on: December 28, 2003, 05:07:03 pm »

I just installed v10 for the first time.  As I've been away from the board for a week or so I don't have time to read all the threads I missed but I have read all the beta threads since 10.0.08 to make sure I know all about the changes in 10 to date.  Besides the fact that there are some great improvements since 9.1.316 I have encountered a few issues as follows:

  • On start up it defaults to All mode.  As a music only user I'd rather have it open in audio mode.  I'm getting tired of changing it all the time.
  • It's not possible to set up a view scheme group without having at least one pane added.  I use VS Groups to tidy up the tree and also to present a nice logical grouping of view schemes in hairstyle mode.  Having to add a component to the group is annoying.  In hairstyle I just want to see the view schemes that hang off the group without having to see a load of options that apply to the group itself.
  • I saw mention in earlier beta threads of a speed up in hairstyle mode but I don't see any difference.  Thumbnails are still unusable on my system as it takes so long to build them and they are not cached like they are in mega-me.
  • Clearing playing now seems to be much slower even if there are only a few tracks in the list.


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #51 on: December 28, 2003, 06:53:45 pm »

After playing around with it, Here are my issues...

1. Whenever you navigate from track to track, the Handheld icon in AW flashes.
2. PARTY MODE: If it's on and you make changes and then turn it off, the changes are made to the tags?? If your in PM and you turn off MC and then turn it back on, PM is not on... Either one makes no sence.
3. When you turn MC on, it does not default to "Audio Only" or whatever setting you had.
4. Is there a function that clears playing now on exit? If not, can this be added?
5. I took a look at Winamp 5 today, and although it has nowhere near the same functionality, there panes work alot faster. Also you may want to take a look to see how they have there eq on the player. MC would benefit to that!
6. When scrolling everything blurs for a second.. Kinda annoying.
7. Speed... MC strong point is that you can have album art, Bios and Lyrics.. However this slowes down the database alot... Is this being looked at?
8. The SEARCH bar, this really is tooo small and in the wrong place.... Any chance that this can be moved back, or at least adjustable on the user side?
9. When you turn on MC, it would be nice if a screen came up asking you what library you wanted...
10. Would be nice if we could load songs into the Database from our handheld, and work like a HD... Play music back through MC while keeping the file on the handheld.

Well that's about it....



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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #52 on: December 28, 2003, 10:26:44 pm »

I tried to use the Convert library option to create a MP3 version of my entire APE collection.  I have:

- "Move to Location" CHECKED
- "Create Album/Artist Subdirectory Here" CHECKED
- "Update Database" UNCHECKED
- "Send Original Files to Recycle Bin" UNCHECKED
- "Skip Duplicates" CHECKED

Ok.  So I converted about 1000 of my 7000 file library then stopped it so I could do somethings and pick up where I left off.  When I restarted I expected it to skip the files I already converted (due to the "Skip Duplicates" being checked).  But it converted them and added (1) to the end of the file (as if that checkbox was not checked).  

Is this a bug?  I didn't change any file tags between the convert attempts, nor did I change the files in any way.  Any ideas?



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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2003, 01:00:39 am »

I've tried to import AAC files to take advantage of the new AAC tag feature.  After importing about 650 files, MC crashes silently (I've got several thousand to import).  I've tried this a number of times and always the same result.  I'm using 10.0.24 .



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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2003, 02:23:46 am »


well, as it is said many times before, i could just agree that it would be a great improvement if you can click at an album (with list style - album thumbnails activated) and than BEFORE the album starts playing the view changes automatically to a track view, where you can select the track you want to hear OR if you want to hear the whole album, you right-click the album and then choose something like "Play whole album".

That woul really be an improvement  ;D



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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2003, 07:27:43 am »

Possible Cover Art Bugs?

I notice when I am trying to change the album cover art using "Add From File...", it will not update immediately. If I am changing more than one it will update the previous image after I change the next. Is there a way to refresh (other then closing and restarting)?

Also, I ripped a CD and later noticed the album thumbnail art had a red X in the lower left corner. After reviewing the database I noticed that track #1 was not attached to the tag information. I noticed this by the icon that shows missing files. I re-ripped just that track, updated the tag information and clicked "Audio" on the tree to see if the red X was gone. Not only was the red X gone but the entire album thumbnail.

I finally fixed it after about an hour. I changed the view to thumbnails to show every track with the images. This showed that there was an image for all of the tracks on the ripped CD except for the re-ripped track. I then selected track #1 and updated the image from the internet and the album thumnail reappeared.

There does seem to be a few problems with cover art images and replacing old images with the correct image. For instance the YADB had the cover art for Van Halen I  and Van Halen II reversed. I tried selecting the local art to reverse the images but because the cover art does not update immediately (until I change another image) I couldn't easily tell if the cover art was changed correctly unless I selected yet another image to change.  

Am I missing something here or are there others having similar problems?


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2003, 09:05:51 am »

Bug (or bad feature):
Recent Playing Now's playlists are a nice feature, but two undesireable things happen.

1. If are using the Download Manager, you get a zillions of these playlists...a new one for each file (MP3) that completes downloading (DM option is set to add the Playing Now).

2. The tooltip popup for a track includes (or tries to include) all the playlists that a track is in...included Recent Playing Now's.  This bad because of problem #1 (above)...a track could end up being in 50 playlists (all Recent Playing Now's) if you were downloading 50 MP3 files.

I think the Recent Playing Now's playlists should stay, but some tweaking is needed for files added by DM and the popup tooltips (like excluded Recent Playing Now's playlists from popup).


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #57 on: December 29, 2003, 11:50:50 am »

Build today??  Huh? huh?   ::)

Listening to: 'Soundtrack of Our Lives - Sister Surround' on 'Radio Paradise' using Media Center 10.0


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2003, 03:20:54 pm »

(I hate posting in multi-page bug threads for fear that my post will not be noticed, but here goes anyway.)

I decided to upgrade my 9.1 (9.1.316) to 10 (10.0.24).  I just ran the downloaded exe to have it simply "upgrade" my current, registered 9.1.

At the end, I got a dialog box stating that, "This beta of Media Center will timeout on 1/4/2004."

Given that today is 12/29/2003, that expiration date is far from a 30-day trial!  ;)

Anyway, I plan on buying 10 anyway, so it's no big deal, but I just thought I'd report this for those future new users would actually like to take advantage of the advertised "30 day trial" period (assuming that that is applicable to these beta builds).



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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2003, 04:38:30 pm »

I and others have reported performance issues with this build.  Others have reported huge cpu usage.

I see no huge cpu usage, but my computer seems sluggish when playing music, with glitches in the playback.  Today it started looping parts of a track while playing, once stuttering for about 10 seconds.

I've done all the computer maintenance things, no spyware, no viruses.

I re-installed 10.0.18, and now all is working perfectly.


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Re:Media Center 10.0.24 beta available
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2003, 04:58:11 pm »

Since the last builds I experienced a lot of system hang-ups. With the latest 10.0.24 version I experienced a serious disk problem.

Media Center did not respond along with a few other programs. Normally when I close MC the other programs work fine again. This time I could not close anything. In the end I was forced to use the reset button.

Since then the system can not start up when the RAID0 set for MC is physically connected. When disconnecting the two RAID0 disks my PC starts up normally. The configuration program for my RAID0 set reports no errors.

I assume that something went wrong when resetting my PC. But resetting was the only solution to the not responding system.

Any tips on solving my RAID0 set. I don't feel like ripping 210GB on ape format music.  >:(

MarSies .....
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