Dear Jim Good Morning ( saturday a.m. in Aussie )
As I suspected, I had an error with my load. I determined that I had some V8 keys left over in my Registry upon the initial uninstall. I do suspect that this may be a Windows problem. (XP). Once I cleared the Registry the load appeared to be OK except it did not bring forward the standard skin that came with V8, and did not revert to the V9 splash screen design. The media plug-ins wont marry on my Computer because my Windows Media Player is corrupt. I rather suspect that Creative " took over " in my case because Media JukeBox was confused with the " corrupted " reload
( i.e a mixture of V8 and V9 Registry keys ). Now the program is V9 only, all speakers, front and rear have come to life.
Could I make a suggestion!! if that's OK
I have never been entirely happy with Entertainment Centres. I believe that dedicated programs are far better than all purpose tools. Why not have one program for Audio only, and another entirely separate program for Video only
I have tried most of the major " Players " in the " muso " field. I have no reason to change my opinion that MEDIA JUKEBOX is rapidly becoming the "ROLLS ROYCE " of the range at this price level. Users must realise that installation and use does require some Application Programing expertise.
Kind regards